Some background. The above problem is the knapsack problem with restrictions. The most efficient knapsack problem solution with or without restrictions can be solved in pseudopolynomial time, still NP-Hard. For some variations, see The first restriction in this variation is that the value of items (balls) to be placed in the knapsack (bins) does not matter. The problem is then restricted to the amount of time it takes to put the items in the knapsack. The original problem requires the most valuable items to be placed in as short amount of time possible. Another restriction with this version is that the weights and all other arguments are integers. And the restriction of interest is that the weights wjwj divide wj+1wj+1 for all jj. Note: the fractional knapsack problem can be solved in polynomial time, but does not present the most practical solutions to the original problem. This problem uses integers that divide evenly (no rational solutions). Perhaps see What's the big deal with the knapsack problem?.
The main question perhaps should be "is this problem still NP-Hard when wjwj is unbounded by a polynomial corresponding to ii, as the problem is less complex (in P) when it is bounded? The reason I say this is because the problem can be shown to be in P when wjwj is bounded and NP-Hard when wjwj does not necessarily divide wj+1wj+1 evenly (the weights are simply random), all restrictions limit the complexity of this problem to these two conditions. These conditions (1. the random weight knapsack problem without the item-value restriction and 2. divisible weight knapsack problem without the item-value restriction) negate each other in terms of reducing complexity, as the quotients of the weights may be random themselves (especially when unbounded), thus imposing exponential time calculations (this will be shown in the example below). Additionally, because wjwj divides wj+1wj+1, wjwj increases in size exponentially for each jj. This is because instead of using random weighted items (balls whose unit weight may all be limited to unit weights under 100 or 50 or even 10), the restriction instead causes the time complexity to depend on the number of digits of wjwj, the same as trial division, which is exponential.
So yes, the above integer program remains NP-hard even when wjwj divides wj+1wj+1 for all jj. And this is easily observed.
Example 1: let n=1n=1 and wpwp be powers of two. Because of constant two, the entire problem is solved in quadratic time, as your example shows. The weights are not random and therefore the calculation is solved efficiently.
Example 2: let wj+1wj+1 be defined as wj∗pwj∗p, where pp is the prime number corresponding to jj, such that p=2,j=1:p=3,j=2,p=5,j=3,p=7,j=4,...,P,Jp=2,j=1:p=3,j=2,p=5,j=3,p=7,j=4,...,P,J. This is applicable, as wjwj divides wj+1wj+1 for all jj. We get each wjwj is the product of all the primes up to jj. The values of the unit weights increase as such: 1,2,6,30,210,2310,30030,.... Since there is a bound (pj ~ jlog(j), via the prime number theorem), as the quotients are all primes, we get the complexity NP-Intermediate.
Example 3: let wj+1 be defined as wj∗Rp, where Rp is a randomly chosen prime number from two to infinity, corresponding to j. This is applicable to this problem, as wj divides wj+1 for all j. We get the first 5 quotients (randomly falling from two to infinity), as 101,2657,7,3169,2. We see that even at the 5th ball, the weight has eleven digits. Fortunately, the fifth quotient was two and not a prime in the order of 10100 or larger.
Example three above is what happens when wj is not bounded (random weights) by a polynomial corresponding to i. The time complexity is exponential, NP-Hard. For some perspective, just add up all the weights, see if they fit. But there isn’t a solution to solving it significantly faster by making the weights divisible than trying each subset to see if it works. After a few dozen balls, you are still entering the realm of even the trillions of subsets or trillions of digits.