Si vous utilisez .NET 4.0 et versions ultérieures, vous pouvez simplement utiliser dynamic comme argument de méthode et vérifier au moment de l'exécution que le type d'argument dynamique transmis est de type numérique / entier.
Si le type de la dynamique transmise n'est pas de type numérique / entier, lève une exception.
Un exemple de code court qui implémente l'idée est quelque chose comme:
using System;
public class InvalidArgumentException : Exception
public InvalidArgumentException(string message) : base(message) {}
public class InvalidArgumentTypeException : InvalidArgumentException
public InvalidArgumentTypeException(string message) : base(message) {}
public class ArgumentTypeNotIntegerException : InvalidArgumentTypeException
public ArgumentTypeNotIntegerException(string message) : base(message) {}
public static class Program
private static bool IntegerFunction(dynamic n)
if (n.GetType() != typeof(Int16) &&
n.GetType() != typeof(Int32) &&
n.GetType() != typeof(Int64) &&
n.GetType() != typeof(UInt16) &&
n.GetType() != typeof(UInt32) &&
n.GetType() != typeof(UInt64))
throw new ArgumentTypeNotIntegerException("argument type is not integer type");
//code that implements IntegerFunction goes here
private static void Main()
Console.WriteLine("{0}",IntegerFunction(0)); //Compiles, no run time error and first line of output buffer is either "True" or "False" depends on the code that implements "Program.IntegerFunction" static method.
Console.WriteLine("{0}",IntegerFunction("string")); //Also compiles but it is run time error and exception of type "ArgumentTypeNotIntegerException" is thrown here.
Console.WriteLine("This is the last Console.WriteLine output"); //Never reached and executed due the run time error and the exception thrown on the second line of Program.Main static method.
Bien sûr, cette solution ne fonctionne qu'en exécution mais jamais en compilation.
Si vous voulez une solution qui fonctionne toujours au moment de la compilation et jamais au moment de l'exécution, vous devrez encapsuler la dynamique avec une structure / classe publique dont les constructeurs publics surchargés acceptent uniquement les arguments des types souhaités et donnent à la structure / classe le nom approprié.
Il est logique que la dynamique encapsulée soit toujours un membre privé de la classe / struct et qu'elle soit le seul membre de la struct / classe et que le nom du seul membre de la struct / classe soit "value".
Vous devrez également définir et implémenter des méthodes publiques et / ou des opérateurs qui fonctionnent avec les types souhaités pour le membre dynamique privé de la classe / struct si nécessaire.
Il est également logique que la structure / classe ait un constructeur spécial / unique qui accepte la dynamique comme argument qui initialise ce n'est qu'un membre dynamique privé appelé "valeur" mais le modificateur de ce constructeur est privé bien sûr.
Une fois que la classe / structure est prête, définissez le type d'argument IntegerFunction comme étant la classe / structure qui a été définie.
Un exemple de code long qui implémente l'idée est quelque chose comme:
using System;
public struct Integer
private dynamic value;
private Integer(dynamic n) { this.value = n; }
public Integer(Int16 n) { this.value = n; }
public Integer(Int32 n) { this.value = n; }
public Integer(Int64 n) { this.value = n; }
public Integer(UInt16 n) { this.value = n; }
public Integer(UInt32 n) { this.value = n; }
public Integer(UInt64 n) { this.value = n; }
public Integer(Integer n) { this.value = n.value; }
public static implicit operator Int16(Integer n) { return n.value; }
public static implicit operator Int32(Integer n) { return n.value; }
public static implicit operator Int64(Integer n) { return n.value; }
public static implicit operator UInt16(Integer n) { return n.value; }
public static implicit operator UInt32(Integer n) { return n.value; }
public static implicit operator UInt64(Integer n) { return n.value; }
public static Integer operator +(Integer x, Int16 y) { return new Integer(x.value + y); }
public static Integer operator +(Integer x, Int32 y) { return new Integer(x.value + y); }
public static Integer operator +(Integer x, Int64 y) { return new Integer(x.value + y); }
public static Integer operator +(Integer x, UInt16 y) { return new Integer(x.value + y); }
public static Integer operator +(Integer x, UInt32 y) { return new Integer(x.value + y); }
public static Integer operator +(Integer x, UInt64 y) { return new Integer(x.value + y); }
public static Integer operator -(Integer x, Int16 y) { return new Integer(x.value - y); }
public static Integer operator -(Integer x, Int32 y) { return new Integer(x.value - y); }
public static Integer operator -(Integer x, Int64 y) { return new Integer(x.value - y); }
public static Integer operator -(Integer x, UInt16 y) { return new Integer(x.value - y); }
public static Integer operator -(Integer x, UInt32 y) { return new Integer(x.value - y); }
public static Integer operator -(Integer x, UInt64 y) { return new Integer(x.value - y); }
public static Integer operator *(Integer x, Int16 y) { return new Integer(x.value * y); }
public static Integer operator *(Integer x, Int32 y) { return new Integer(x.value * y); }
public static Integer operator *(Integer x, Int64 y) { return new Integer(x.value * y); }
public static Integer operator *(Integer x, UInt16 y) { return new Integer(x.value * y); }
public static Integer operator *(Integer x, UInt32 y) { return new Integer(x.value * y); }
public static Integer operator *(Integer x, UInt64 y) { return new Integer(x.value * y); }
public static Integer operator /(Integer x, Int16 y) { return new Integer(x.value / y); }
public static Integer operator /(Integer x, Int32 y) { return new Integer(x.value / y); }
public static Integer operator /(Integer x, Int64 y) { return new Integer(x.value / y); }
public static Integer operator /(Integer x, UInt16 y) { return new Integer(x.value / y); }
public static Integer operator /(Integer x, UInt32 y) { return new Integer(x.value / y); }
public static Integer operator /(Integer x, UInt64 y) { return new Integer(x.value / y); }
public static Integer operator %(Integer x, Int16 y) { return new Integer(x.value % y); }
public static Integer operator %(Integer x, Int32 y) { return new Integer(x.value % y); }
public static Integer operator %(Integer x, Int64 y) { return new Integer(x.value % y); }
public static Integer operator %(Integer x, UInt16 y) { return new Integer(x.value % y); }
public static Integer operator %(Integer x, UInt32 y) { return new Integer(x.value % y); }
public static Integer operator %(Integer x, UInt64 y) { return new Integer(x.value % y); }
public static Integer operator +(Integer x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x.value + y.value); }
public static Integer operator -(Integer x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x.value - y.value); }
public static Integer operator *(Integer x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x.value * y.value); }
public static Integer operator /(Integer x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x.value / y.value); }
public static Integer operator %(Integer x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x.value % y.value); }
public static bool operator ==(Integer x, Int16 y) { return x.value == y; }
public static bool operator !=(Integer x, Int16 y) { return x.value != y; }
public static bool operator ==(Integer x, Int32 y) { return x.value == y; }
public static bool operator !=(Integer x, Int32 y) { return x.value != y; }
public static bool operator ==(Integer x, Int64 y) { return x.value == y; }
public static bool operator !=(Integer x, Int64 y) { return x.value != y; }
public static bool operator ==(Integer x, UInt16 y) { return x.value == y; }
public static bool operator !=(Integer x, UInt16 y) { return x.value != y; }
public static bool operator ==(Integer x, UInt32 y) { return x.value == y; }
public static bool operator !=(Integer x, UInt32 y) { return x.value != y; }
public static bool operator ==(Integer x, UInt64 y) { return x.value == y; }
public static bool operator !=(Integer x, UInt64 y) { return x.value != y; }
public static bool operator ==(Integer x, Integer y) { return x.value == y.value; }
public static bool operator !=(Integer x, Integer y) { return x.value != y.value; }
public override bool Equals(object obj) { return this == (Integer)obj; }
public override int GetHashCode() { return this.value.GetHashCode(); }
public override string ToString() { return this.value.ToString(); }
public static bool operator >(Integer x, Int16 y) { return x.value > y; }
public static bool operator <(Integer x, Int16 y) { return x.value < y; }
public static bool operator >(Integer x, Int32 y) { return x.value > y; }
public static bool operator <(Integer x, Int32 y) { return x.value < y; }
public static bool operator >(Integer x, Int64 y) { return x.value > y; }
public static bool operator <(Integer x, Int64 y) { return x.value < y; }
public static bool operator >(Integer x, UInt16 y) { return x.value > y; }
public static bool operator <(Integer x, UInt16 y) { return x.value < y; }
public static bool operator >(Integer x, UInt32 y) { return x.value > y; }
public static bool operator <(Integer x, UInt32 y) { return x.value < y; }
public static bool operator >(Integer x, UInt64 y) { return x.value > y; }
public static bool operator <(Integer x, UInt64 y) { return x.value < y; }
public static bool operator >(Integer x, Integer y) { return x.value > y.value; }
public static bool operator <(Integer x, Integer y) { return x.value < y.value; }
public static bool operator >=(Integer x, Int16 y) { return x.value >= y; }
public static bool operator <=(Integer x, Int16 y) { return x.value <= y; }
public static bool operator >=(Integer x, Int32 y) { return x.value >= y; }
public static bool operator <=(Integer x, Int32 y) { return x.value <= y; }
public static bool operator >=(Integer x, Int64 y) { return x.value >= y; }
public static bool operator <=(Integer x, Int64 y) { return x.value <= y; }
public static bool operator >=(Integer x, UInt16 y) { return x.value >= y; }
public static bool operator <=(Integer x, UInt16 y) { return x.value <= y; }
public static bool operator >=(Integer x, UInt32 y) { return x.value >= y; }
public static bool operator <=(Integer x, UInt32 y) { return x.value <= y; }
public static bool operator >=(Integer x, UInt64 y) { return x.value >= y; }
public static bool operator <=(Integer x, UInt64 y) { return x.value <= y; }
public static bool operator >=(Integer x, Integer y) { return x.value >= y.value; }
public static bool operator <=(Integer x, Integer y) { return x.value <= y.value; }
public static Integer operator +(Int16 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x + y.value); }
public static Integer operator +(Int32 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x + y.value); }
public static Integer operator +(Int64 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x + y.value); }
public static Integer operator +(UInt16 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x + y.value); }
public static Integer operator +(UInt32 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x + y.value); }
public static Integer operator +(UInt64 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x + y.value); }
public static Integer operator -(Int16 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x - y.value); }
public static Integer operator -(Int32 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x - y.value); }
public static Integer operator -(Int64 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x - y.value); }
public static Integer operator -(UInt16 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x - y.value); }
public static Integer operator -(UInt32 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x - y.value); }
public static Integer operator -(UInt64 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x - y.value); }
public static Integer operator *(Int16 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x * y.value); }
public static Integer operator *(Int32 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x * y.value); }
public static Integer operator *(Int64 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x * y.value); }
public static Integer operator *(UInt16 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x * y.value); }
public static Integer operator *(UInt32 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x * y.value); }
public static Integer operator *(UInt64 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x * y.value); }
public static Integer operator /(Int16 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x / y.value); }
public static Integer operator /(Int32 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x / y.value); }
public static Integer operator /(Int64 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x / y.value); }
public static Integer operator /(UInt16 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x / y.value); }
public static Integer operator /(UInt32 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x / y.value); }
public static Integer operator /(UInt64 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x / y.value); }
public static Integer operator %(Int16 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x % y.value); }
public static Integer operator %(Int32 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x % y.value); }
public static Integer operator %(Int64 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x % y.value); }
public static Integer operator %(UInt16 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x % y.value); }
public static Integer operator %(UInt32 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x % y.value); }
public static Integer operator %(UInt64 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x % y.value); }
public static bool operator ==(Int16 x, Integer y) { return x == y.value; }
public static bool operator !=(Int16 x, Integer y) { return x != y.value; }
public static bool operator ==(Int32 x, Integer y) { return x == y.value; }
public static bool operator !=(Int32 x, Integer y) { return x != y.value; }
public static bool operator ==(Int64 x, Integer y) { return x == y.value; }
public static bool operator !=(Int64 x, Integer y) { return x != y.value; }
public static bool operator ==(UInt16 x, Integer y) { return x == y.value; }
public static bool operator !=(UInt16 x, Integer y) { return x != y.value; }
public static bool operator ==(UInt32 x, Integer y) { return x == y.value; }
public static bool operator !=(UInt32 x, Integer y) { return x != y.value; }
public static bool operator ==(UInt64 x, Integer y) { return x == y.value; }
public static bool operator !=(UInt64 x, Integer y) { return x != y.value; }
public static bool operator >(Int16 x, Integer y) { return x > y.value; }
public static bool operator <(Int16 x, Integer y) { return x < y.value; }
public static bool operator >(Int32 x, Integer y) { return x > y.value; }
public static bool operator <(Int32 x, Integer y) { return x < y.value; }
public static bool operator >(Int64 x, Integer y) { return x > y.value; }
public static bool operator <(Int64 x, Integer y) { return x < y.value; }
public static bool operator >(UInt16 x, Integer y) { return x > y.value; }
public static bool operator <(UInt16 x, Integer y) { return x < y.value; }
public static bool operator >(UInt32 x, Integer y) { return x > y.value; }
public static bool operator <(UInt32 x, Integer y) { return x < y.value; }
public static bool operator >(UInt64 x, Integer y) { return x > y.value; }
public static bool operator <(UInt64 x, Integer y) { return x < y.value; }
public static bool operator >=(Int16 x, Integer y) { return x >= y.value; }
public static bool operator <=(Int16 x, Integer y) { return x <= y.value; }
public static bool operator >=(Int32 x, Integer y) { return x >= y.value; }
public static bool operator <=(Int32 x, Integer y) { return x <= y.value; }
public static bool operator >=(Int64 x, Integer y) { return x >= y.value; }
public static bool operator <=(Int64 x, Integer y) { return x <= y.value; }
public static bool operator >=(UInt16 x, Integer y) { return x >= y.value; }
public static bool operator <=(UInt16 x, Integer y) { return x <= y.value; }
public static bool operator >=(UInt32 x, Integer y) { return x >= y.value; }
public static bool operator <=(UInt32 x, Integer y) { return x <= y.value; }
public static bool operator >=(UInt64 x, Integer y) { return x >= y.value; }
public static bool operator <=(UInt64 x, Integer y) { return x <= y.value; }
public static class Program
private static bool IntegerFunction(Integer n)
//code that implements IntegerFunction goes here
//note that there is NO code that checks the type of n in rum time, because it is NOT needed anymore
private static void Main()
Console.WriteLine("{0}",IntegerFunction(0)); //compile error: there is no overloaded METHOD for objects of type "int" and no implicit conversion from any object, including "int", to "Integer" is known.
Console.WriteLine("{0}",IntegerFunction(new Integer(0))); //both compiles and no run time error
Console.WriteLine("{0}",IntegerFunction("string")); //compile error: there is no overloaded METHOD for objects of type "string" and no implicit conversion from any object, including "string", to "Integer" is known.
Console.WriteLine("{0}",IntegerFunction(new Integer("string"))); //compile error: there is no overloaded CONSTRUCTOR for objects of type "string"
Notez que pour utiliser la dynamique dans votre code, vous devez ajouter une référence à Microsoft.CSharp
Si la version du framework .NET est inférieure / inférieure / inférieure à 4.0 et que la dynamique n'est pas définie dans cette version, vous devrez utiliser un objet à la place et effectuer une conversion vers le type entier, ce qui est un problème, donc je vous recommande d'utiliser à moins .NET 4.0 ou plus récent si vous le pouvez pour pouvoir utiliser dynamique au lieu d' objet .