Comment interroger un serveur NTP en utilisant C #?


Tout ce dont j'ai besoin est un moyen d'interroger un serveur NTP en utilisant C # pour obtenir la date et l'heure du serveur NTP renvoyée sous forme stringdeDateTime .

Comment est-ce possible dans sa forme la plus simple?



Étant donné que l'ancienne réponse acceptée a été supprimée (il s'agissait d'un lien vers des résultats de recherche de code Google qui n'existent plus), j'ai pensé que je pourrais répondre à cette question pour référence future:

public static DateTime GetNetworkTime()
    //default Windows time server
    const string ntpServer = "";

    // NTP message size - 16 bytes of the digest (RFC 2030)
    var ntpData = new byte[48];

    //Setting the Leap Indicator, Version Number and Mode values
    ntpData[0] = 0x1B; //LI = 0 (no warning), VN = 3 (IPv4 only), Mode = 3 (Client Mode)

    var addresses = Dns.GetHostEntry(ntpServer).AddressList;

    //The UDP port number assigned to NTP is 123
    var ipEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(addresses[0], 123);
    //NTP uses UDP

    using(var socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp))

        //Stops code hang if NTP is blocked
        socket.ReceiveTimeout = 3000;     


    //Offset to get to the "Transmit Timestamp" field (time at which the reply 
    //departed the server for the client, in 64-bit timestamp format."
    const byte serverReplyTime = 40;

    //Get the seconds part
    ulong intPart = BitConverter.ToUInt32(ntpData, serverReplyTime);

    //Get the seconds fraction
    ulong fractPart = BitConverter.ToUInt32(ntpData, serverReplyTime + 4);

    //Convert From big-endian to little-endian
    intPart = SwapEndianness(intPart);
    fractPart = SwapEndianness(fractPart);

    var milliseconds = (intPart * 1000) + ((fractPart * 1000) / 0x100000000L);

    //**UTC** time
    var networkDateTime = (new DateTime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc)).AddMilliseconds((long)milliseconds);

    return networkDateTime.ToLocalTime();

static uint SwapEndianness(ulong x)
    return (uint) (((x & 0x000000ff) << 24) +
                   ((x & 0x0000ff00) << 8) +
                   ((x & 0x00ff0000) >> 8) +
                   ((x & 0xff000000) >> 24));

Remarque: vous devrez ajouter les espaces de noms suivants

using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;

@cvocvo Pour cela, vous pouvez utiliserDateTime.ToLocalTime()

Dans les situations où NTP est bloqué, ce code se bloque et ne revient jamais. Comment puis-je ajouter un délai d'expiration ou quelque chose pour garantir le retour de ce code?

C'est l'un des rares morceaux de code qui sont suffisamment bons pour être copiés-collés directement depuis Internet dans le code de production (après test et examen bien sûr).

Pourquoi je reçois le temps de LAN, (utilisez le code posision: socket.Receive(ntpData);) il lancera exception: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. Mais tout va bien si j'utilise la ligne de commande net timepour obtenir l'heure.

Ligne 17: var socket = new Socket (AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp); Doit être var socket = new Socket (adresses [0] .AddressFamily, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp); De cette façon, cela fonctionnera si la 1ère adresse est IP6
Duane McKinney


Il s'agit d'une version optimisée de la fonction qui supprime la dépendance à la fonction BitConverter et la rend compatible avec NETMF (.NET Micro Framework)

public static DateTime GetNetworkTime()
    const string ntpServer = "";
    var ntpData = new byte[48];
    ntpData[0] = 0x1B; //LeapIndicator = 0 (no warning), VersionNum = 3 (IPv4 only), Mode = 3 (Client Mode)

    var addresses = Dns.GetHostEntry(ntpServer).AddressList;
    var ipEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(addresses[0], 123);
    var socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp);


    ulong intPart = (ulong)ntpData[40] << 24 | (ulong)ntpData[41] << 16 | (ulong)ntpData[42] << 8 | (ulong)ntpData[43];
    ulong fractPart = (ulong)ntpData[44] << 24 | (ulong)ntpData[45] << 16 | (ulong)ntpData[46] << 8 | (ulong)ntpData[47];

    var milliseconds = (intPart * 1000) + ((fractPart * 1000) / 0x100000000L);
    var networkDateTime = (new DateTime(1900, 1, 1)).AddMilliseconds((long)milliseconds);

    return networkDateTime;

Vous manquez un délai ... socket.ReceiveTimeout = 3000;... cela l'empêche de se bloquer en cas de problème de réseau. La valeur est en millisecondes.

Prenez soin de UTC: var networkDateTime = new DateTime (1900, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc) .AddMilliseconds (millisecondes); return networkDateTime.ToLocalTime ();
Daniel Fisher lennybacon


Je sais que le sujet est assez ancien, mais ces outils sont toujours utiles. J'ai utilisé les ressources ci-dessus et créé une version de NtpClient qui permet d'acquérir de manière asynchrone une heure précise, au lieu de la base d'un événement.

 /// <summary>
/// Represents a client which can obtain accurate time via NTP protocol.
/// </summary>
public class NtpClient
    private readonly TaskCompletionSource<DateTime> _resultCompletionSource;

    /// <summary>
    /// Creates a new instance of <see cref="NtpClient"/> class.
    /// </summary>
    public NtpClient()
        _resultCompletionSource = new TaskCompletionSource<DateTime>();

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets accurate time using the NTP protocol with default timeout of 45 seconds.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>Network accurate <see cref="DateTime"/> value.</returns>
    public async Task<DateTime> GetNetworkTimeAsync()
        return await GetNetworkTimeAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(45));

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets accurate time using the NTP protocol with default timeout of 45 seconds.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="timeoutMs">Operation timeout in milliseconds.</param>
    /// <returns>Network accurate <see cref="DateTime"/> value.</returns>
    public async Task<DateTime> GetNetworkTimeAsync(int timeoutMs)
        return await GetNetworkTimeAsync(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(timeoutMs));

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets accurate time using the NTP protocol with default timeout of 45 seconds.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="timeout">Operation timeout.</param>
    /// <returns>Network accurate <see cref="DateTime"/> value.</returns>
    public async Task<DateTime> GetNetworkTimeAsync(TimeSpan timeout)
        using (var socket = new DatagramSocket())
        using (var ct = new CancellationTokenSource(timeout))
            ct.Token.Register(() => _resultCompletionSource.TrySetCanceled());

            socket.MessageReceived += OnSocketMessageReceived;
            //The UDP port number assigned to NTP is 123
            await socket.ConnectAsync(new HostName(""), "123");
            using (var writer = new DataWriter(socket.OutputStream))
                // NTP message size is 16 bytes of the digest (RFC 2030)
                var ntpBuffer = new byte[48];

                // Setting the Leap Indicator, 
                // Version Number and Mode values
                // LI = 0 (no warning)
                // VN = 3 (IPv4 only)
                // Mode = 3 (Client Mode)
                ntpBuffer[0] = 0x1B;

                await writer.StoreAsync();
                var result = await _resultCompletionSource.Task;
                return result;

    private void OnSocketMessageReceived(DatagramSocket sender, DatagramSocketMessageReceivedEventArgs args)
            using (var reader = args.GetDataReader())
                byte[] response = new byte[48];
        catch (Exception ex)

    private static DateTime ParseNetworkTime(byte[] rawData)
        //Offset to get to the "Transmit Timestamp" field (time at which the reply 
        //departed the server for the client, in 64-bit timestamp format."
        const byte serverReplyTime = 40;

        //Get the seconds part
        ulong intPart = BitConverter.ToUInt32(rawData, serverReplyTime);

        //Get the seconds fraction
        ulong fractPart = BitConverter.ToUInt32(rawData, serverReplyTime + 4);

        //Convert From big-endian to little-endian
        intPart = SwapEndianness(intPart);
        fractPart = SwapEndianness(fractPart);

        var milliseconds = (intPart * 1000) + ((fractPart * 1000) / 0x100000000L);

        //**UTC** time
        DateTime networkDateTime = (new DateTime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc)).AddMilliseconds((long)milliseconds);
        return networkDateTime;

    private static uint SwapEndianness(ulong x)
        return (uint)(((x & 0x000000ff) << 24) +
                       ((x & 0x0000ff00) << 8) +
                       ((x & 0x00ff0000) >> 8) +
                       ((x & 0xff000000) >> 24));


var ntp = new NtpClient();
var accurateTime = await ntp.GetNetworkTimeAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));

Ne fonctionne pas sous Windows 7, uniquement sous Windows 10. Voir windows.networking.sockets.datagramsocket

J'ai utilisé ce projet inWind 10 IoT Core avec Raspberry Pi 3, fonctionne un régal étant donné que le temps s'arrête lorsque le pi est éteint. (pas d'horloge en temps réel)
Chris Schaller


Une version modifiée pour compenser les heures du réseau et calculer avec DateTime-Ticks (plus précis que les millisecondes)

public static DateTime GetNetworkTime()
  const string NtpServer = "";

  const int DaysTo1900 = 1900 * 365 + 95; // 95 = offset for leap-years etc.
  const long TicksPerSecond = 10000000L;
  const long TicksPerDay = 24 * 60 * 60 * TicksPerSecond;
  const long TicksTo1900 = DaysTo1900 * TicksPerDay;

  var ntpData = new byte[48];
  ntpData[0] = 0x1B; // LeapIndicator = 0 (no warning), VersionNum = 3 (IPv4 only), Mode = 3 (Client Mode)

  var addresses = Dns.GetHostEntry(NtpServer).AddressList;
  var ipEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(addresses[0], 123);
  long pingDuration = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp(); // temp access (JIT-Compiler need some time at first call)
  using (var socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp))
    socket.ReceiveTimeout = 5000;
    pingDuration = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp(); // after Send-Method to reduce WinSocket API-Call time

    pingDuration = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp() - pingDuration;

  long pingTicks = pingDuration * TicksPerSecond / Stopwatch.Frequency;

  // optional: display response-time
  // Console.WriteLine("{0:N2} ms", new TimeSpan(pingTicks).TotalMilliseconds);

  long intPart = (long)ntpData[40] << 24 | (long)ntpData[41] << 16 | (long)ntpData[42] << 8 | ntpData[43];
  long fractPart = (long)ntpData[44] << 24 | (long)ntpData[45] << 16 | (long)ntpData[46] << 8 | ntpData[47];
  long netTicks = intPart * TicksPerSecond + (fractPart * TicksPerSecond >> 32);

  var networkDateTime = new DateTime(TicksTo1900 + netTicks + pingTicks / 2);

  return networkDateTime.ToLocalTime(); // without ToLocalTime() = faster

Je recommande de changer la ligne var networkDateTime = new DateTime (TicksTo1900 + netTicks + pingTicks / 2); par var networkDateTime = new DateTime (ticksTo1900 + netTicks + pingTicks / 2, DateTimeKind.Utc);

Bonjour Besster, merci pour votre indice. Pour .ToLocalTime (), le type UTC n'est pas obligatoire. Si vous avez besoin de l'horodatage avec le marqueur UTC facultatif, vous pouvez également appeler .ToUniversalTime () au retour. Raison: j'ai utilisé le constructeur sans DateTimeKind, car c'est 2-3 tics de processeur plus rapide. : D

-1 va bien fonctionner pour Windows Phone.

Ajout du code pertinent

/// <summary>
/// Class for acquiring time via Ntp. Useful for applications in which correct world time must be used and the 
/// clock on the device isn't "trusted."
/// </summary>
public class NtpClient
    /// <summary>
    /// Contains the time returned from the Ntp request
    /// </summary>
    public class TimeReceivedEventArgs : EventArgs
        public DateTime CurrentTime { get; internal set; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Subscribe to this event to receive the time acquired by the NTP requests
    /// </summary>
    public event EventHandler<TimeReceivedEventArgs> TimeReceived;

    protected void OnTimeReceived(DateTime time)
        if (TimeReceived != null)
            TimeReceived(this, new TimeReceivedEventArgs() { CurrentTime = time });

    /// <summary>
    /// Not reallu used. I put this here so that I had a list of other NTP servers that could be used. I'll integrate this
    /// information later and will provide method to allow some one to choose an NTP server.
    /// </summary>
    public string[] NtpServerList = new string[]
        " ",

    string _serverName;
    private Socket _socket;

    /// <summary>
    /// Constructor allowing an NTP server to be specified
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="serverName">the name of the NTP server to be used</param>
    public NtpClient(string serverName)
        _serverName = serverName;

    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    public NtpClient()
        : this("")
    { }

    /// <summary>
    /// Begins the network communication required to retrieve the time from the NTP server
    /// </summary>
    public void RequestTime()
        byte[] buffer = new byte[48];
        buffer[0] = 0x1B;
        for (var i = 1; i < buffer.Length; ++i)
            buffer[i] = 0;
        DnsEndPoint _endPoint = new DnsEndPoint(_serverName, 123);

        _socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp);
        SocketAsyncEventArgs sArgsConnect = new SocketAsyncEventArgs() { RemoteEndPoint = _endPoint };
        sArgsConnect.Completed += (o, e) =>
            if (e.SocketError == SocketError.Success)
                SocketAsyncEventArgs sArgs = new SocketAsyncEventArgs() { RemoteEndPoint = _endPoint };
                sArgs.Completed +=
                    new EventHandler<SocketAsyncEventArgs>(sArgs_Completed);
                sArgs.SetBuffer(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
                sArgs.UserToken = buffer;


    void sArgs_Completed(object sender, SocketAsyncEventArgs e)
        if (e.SocketError == SocketError.Success)
            byte[] buffer = (byte[])e.Buffer;
            SocketAsyncEventArgs sArgs = new SocketAsyncEventArgs();
            sArgs.RemoteEndPoint = e.RemoteEndPoint;

            sArgs.SetBuffer(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
            sArgs.Completed += (o, a) =>
                if (a.SocketError == SocketError.Success)
                    byte[] timeData = a.Buffer;

                    ulong hTime = 0;
                    ulong lTime = 0;

                    for (var i = 40; i <= 43; ++i)
                        hTime = hTime << 8 | buffer[i];
                    for (var i = 44; i <= 47; ++i)
                        lTime = lTime << 8 | buffer[i];
                    ulong milliseconds = (hTime * 1000 + (lTime * 1000) / 0x100000000L);

                    TimeSpan timeSpan =
                        TimeSpan.FromTicks((long)milliseconds * TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond);
                    var currentTime = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1) + timeSpan;



public partial class MainPage : PhoneApplicationPage
    private NtpClient _ntpClient;
    public MainPage()
        _ntpClient = new NtpClient();
        _ntpClient.TimeReceived += new EventHandler<NtpClient.TimeReceivedEventArgs>(_ntpClient_TimeReceived);

    void _ntpClient_TimeReceived(object sender, NtpClient.TimeReceivedEventArgs e)
        this.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
                                            txtCurrentTime.Text = e.CurrentTime.ToLongTimeString();
                                            txtSystemTime.Text = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().ToLongTimeString();

    private void UpdateTimeButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

Socketest un IDisposable. Vous devez concevoir votre classe avec cela à l'esprit et fournir un moyen de libérer le socket à la fois lors d'une utilisation normale et à chaque fois qu'une exception est déclenchée. Ce code provoque des fuites de mémoire
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