Il existe 3 principaux types de constructions de regroupement disponibles dans VBA, avec des distinctions entre les index
Un ListBox est un objet complexe et est accessible via la collection de contrôles basée sur 0
La propriété .List () de ListBox est un tableau basé sur 0
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Quelques exemples pratiques de la différence entre leurs index:
Public Sub vbaCollections()
Dim c As New Collection '1-based index
c.Add Item:="a", Key:="1" 'index 1; Key must a String
c.Add Item:="b", Key:="2" 'index 2
c.Add Item:="c", Key:="3" 'index 3
Debug.Print c.Count '3; Items in index sequence: a,b,c, Keys: "1","2","3"
Debug.Print c.Item(1) 'a; not available for Dictionaries
'Debug.Print c.Key("1") 'invalid, so is: c.Key(1)
c.Remove Index:=2
Debug.Print c.Count '2; items in index sequence: a,c, Keys: "1","3"
'c.Remove Item:="c" 'invalid, so is: c.Remove Key:="3"
'c.Add Item:="c", Key:="3", Before:=1 'Key must be unique - Error
c.Add Item:="c", Key:="5", Before:=1 'allows duplicate Item
Debug.Print c.Count '3; items in index sequence: c,a,c, Keys: "5","1","3"
End Sub
Public Sub vbaArrays()
Dim a() As Long, b(3) As Long 'Arrays default to "Option Base {0 | 1}"
Dim c(0 To 0) 'if "Option Base" not defined, it defaults to 0
Dim ar(1) As Worksheet: Set ar(0) = Worksheets(1) 'array with 1 Worksheets object
ReDim a(3) 'creates an array of 4 elements; indexes 0,1,2,3
Debug.Print "LB: " & LBound(a) & ", UB: " & UBound(a) 'LB: 0, UB: 3
Debug.Print UBound(a) - LBound(a) '3, array b() is the same
'even whith "Option Base 1", the following still default to 0
Dim v As Variant: v = Split("A B") 'array with 2 items: v(0) = "A", v(1) = "B"
'UserForm1.ListBox1.List = Array("Test") 'array with 1 item: .List(0,0) = "Test"
ReDim a(0 To 3) 'creates an array of 4 elements; indexes 0,1,2,3
a(0) = 1: a(1) = 2: a(2) = 3 'a(3) defaults to 0
Debug.Print "LB: " & LBound(a) & ", UB: " & UBound(a) 'LB: 0, UB: 3
Debug.Print UBound(a) - LBound(a) '3; offset index by -1
ReDim a(1 To 3) 'creates an array of 3 elements; indexes 1,2,3
a(1) = 1: a(2) = 2: a(3) = 3
Debug.Print "LB: " & LBound(a) & ", UB: " & UBound(a) 'LB: 1, UB: 3
Debug.Print UBound(a) - LBound(a) '2; offset count by +1
ReDim a(5 To 7) 'creates an array of 3 elements; indexes 5,6,7
a(5) = 1: a(6) = 2: a(7) = 3
Debug.Print "LB: " & LBound(a) & ", UB: " & UBound(a) 'LB: 5, UB: 7
Debug.Print UBound(a) - LBound(a) '2; offset count by +1
ReDim a(-3 To -1) 'creates an array of 3 elements; indexes -3,-2,-1
a(-3) = 1: a(-2) = 2: a(-1) = 3
Debug.Print "LB: " & LBound(a) & ", UB: " & UBound(a) 'LB: -3, UB: -1
Debug.Print UBound(a) - LBound(a) '2; offset count by +1
End Sub
Public Sub vbsDictionaries()
Dim d As Object 'not indexed (similar to linked lists)
Set d = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") 'native to VB Script, not VBA
d.Add Key:="a", Item:=1 'index is based on Key (a, b, c)
d.Add Key:="b", Item:=2
d.Add Key:="c", Item:=3
Debug.Print d.Count '3; Keys: a,b,c, Items: 1,2,3
Debug.Print d(1) 'output is empty ("") - adds new element: Key:="1", Item:=""
Debug.Print d.Count '4; Keys: a,b,c,1, Items: 1,2,3,Empty
Debug.Print d("a") '1
Debug.Print d(1) 'output is Empty ("") from element with Key:="1"
'd.Add Key:="b", Item:=2 'attempt to add existing element: Key:="b" - Error
'd.Keys - 0-based array (not available for Collections)
'd.Items - 0-based array (not available for Collections)
d.Remove d.Keys()(1) 'remove element Item:=2 (Key:="b")
Debug.Print d.Count '3; Keys: a,c,1, Items: 1,3,""
d.Remove d.Items()(0) 'remove Items element 0 (Key:="1", Item:="")
Debug.Print d.Count '2; Keys: a,c, Items: 1,3
d.Remove "c" 'remove element Key:="c" (Item:=3)
Debug.Print d.Count '1; Keys: a, Items: 1
d.Add Key:="c", Item:=3
Debug.Print d.Count '2; Keys: a,c, Items: 1,3
'd.Remove d.Items()(0) 'invalid
Debug.Print d.Items()(d.Count - 1) '3
d.Remove d.Keys()(d.Count - 1) 'remove last element; access last Key by Key
Debug.Print d.Count '1; Keys: a, Items: 1
Debug.Print d.Exists("a") 'True (not available for Collections)
Debug.Print d.Exists(2) 'False
End Sub
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