J'ai écrit un ensemble de scripts batch pour cela. addpath.bat ajoute des éléments au chemin, rmpath.bat supprime des éléments du chemin et lpath.bat répertorie simplement le chemin. Mais alors j'avais besoin de quelques scripts de support, donc il y a aussi chkpath.bat.
Il a fini par ne pas être trivial et a nécessité tr.exe et cat.exe, quelques utilitaires de style Unix. La raison n'est pas anodine: pas de backticks dans cmd.exe (bien que vous puissiez utiliser pour les boucles pour cela), et les noms courts par rapport aux noms longs.
@echo off
set cwd=%~dps0
goto testit
call %cwd%chkpath "%~1"
if %errorlevel%==2 (
set path=%path%;%~1
if not _%1==_ goto loopy
call %cwd%lpath.bat
endlocal & set path=%path%
@echo off
goto START
checks path for existence of the given segment.
Returns 1 if present, 2 if not present, 0 if not checked.
The matching and checking complicated by case sensitivity and "short pathnames".
created sometime in 2003 and lovingly maintained since then.
setlocal enabledelayedExpansion
set rc=0
set cwd=%~dps0
set curdrive=%~d0
set tr=%curdrive%\bin\tr.exe
set regexe=%windir%\system32\reg.exe
if _%1==_ goto Usage
@REM convert arg 1 to a fully-qualified, short path name,
@REM and then convert to uppercase.
set toupper=%~fs1
call :ToUpper
set tocheck=%toupper%
if not _%TEMP%==_ goto GotTemp
call :gettemp
set d=%DATE:~4%
set stamp=%d:~6%%d:~3,2%%d:~0,2%%TIME::=%
set d=
set tempfile1=%TEMP%\chkpath1-%stamp%.tmp
echo %path% | %tr% ; \n > %tempfile1%
@REM check each element in the path for the match:
for /f "delims=^" %%I in (%tempfile1%) do (
if !rc!==0 (
call :CheckElt "%%I"
if %rc%==0 set rc=2
goto END
* checkelt
* check one element in the path to see if it is the same
* as the TOCHECK string. The element is first canonicalized.
@REM remove surrounding quotes
set ERF=%1
if [x%ERF%]==[x] goto CheckEltDone
@REM convert to fully-qualified, short paths, uppercase
set TOUPPER=%~fs1%
call :ToUpper
if _%TOCHECK% == _%TOUPPER% set rc=1
* backtick
* invoke a command and return the result as a string.
* This is like backtick in csh or bash.
* To call, set variable BACKTICK to the command to be run.
* The result will be stored in the env variable of the same name.
FOR /F "usebackq delims=" %%i IN (`%backtick%`) DO (
SET backtick=%%i
goto backtick_done
SET backtick=nothing to exec
* gettemp
* get the temporary directory, as stored in the registry.
* Relies on backtick.
* The result set TEMP.
set regkey=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders
set regvalname=Local AppData
set backtick=%regexe% query "%regkey%" /v "%regvalname%"
call :backtick
for /f "tokens=4" %%a in ("%backtick%") do (
set temp=%%a
* ToUpper
* Convert a string to all uppercase.
* To call, set variable TOUPPER to the thing to be converted.
* The result will be stored in the env variable of the same name.
FOR /F "usebackq delims=" %%I IN (`echo %toupper% ^| %tr% a-z A-Z`) DO (
SET toupper=%%I
if _%tempfile1%==_ goto CleanUpDone
if exist %tempfile1% del %tempfile1%
echo Usage: chkpath ^<path^>
echo checks if path element is included in path variable.
echo returns 1 if yes, 2 if no, 0 if not checked.
goto END
call :CleanUp
endlocal & set errorlevel=%rc%
@REM set errorlevel=%rc%
@REM echo %errorlevel%
@set curdrive=%~d0
@REM This form post-fixes a | at the end of each path element. Useful for debugging trailing spaces.
@REM @path | %curdrive%\cygwin\bin\sed.exe -e s/PATH=// -e 's/;/^|\n/g' -e 's/$/^|/g'
@REM This form shows bare path elements.
@REM @path | %curdrive%\cygwin\bin\sed.exe -e 's/PATH=//' -e 's/;/^\n/g'
@path | %curdrive%\utils\sed -e "s/PATH=//" | %curdrive%\utils\tr ; \n