Voici ma version Python de votre expérience. J'ai conservé la plupart des détails de votre implémentation, en particulier j'utilise la même taille d'image, les tailles de couche réseau, le taux d'apprentissage, l'élan et les mesures de réussite.
Chaque réseau testé a une couche cachée (taille = 500) avec des neurones logistiques. Les neurones de sortie sont soit linéaires soit softmax comme indiqué. J'ai utilisé 1 000 images d'entraînement et 1 000 images de test qui ont été générées de manière indépendante et aléatoire (il peut donc y avoir des répétitions). La formation consistait en 50 itérations à travers l'ensemble de formation.
J'ai pu obtenir une assez bonne précision en utilisant le binning et le codage "gaussien" (un nom que j'ai inventé; similaire au binning sauf que le vecteur de sortie cible a la forme exp (-pi * ([1,2,3, ... , 500] - idx) ** 2) où idx est l'indice correspondant à l'angle correct). Le code est ci-dessous; voici mes résultats:
Erreur de test pour le codage (cos, sin):
1 000 images d'entraînement, 1 000 images de test, 50 itérations, sortie linéaire
Erreur de test pour l'encodage [-1,1]:
1 000 images d'entraînement, 1 000 images de test, 50 itérations, sortie linéaire
Erreur de test pour l'encodage 1 sur 500:
1000 images d'entraînement, 1000 images de test, 50 itérations, sortie softmax
Erreur de test pour le codage gaussien:
1000 images d'entraînement, 1000 images de test, 50 itérations, sortie softmax
- Moyenne: 0,0296905377463
- Médiane: 0,00365867335107
- Minimum: 4.08712407829e-06
- Maximum: 6.2784479965
- Précision à 0,1: 99,6%
- Précision à 0,01: 90,8%
- Précision à 0,001: 14,3%
Je ne peux pas comprendre pourquoi nos résultats semblent être en contradiction les uns avec les autres, mais cela semble mériter une enquête plus approfondie.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Jun 13 16:59:53 2016
@author: Ari
from numpy import savetxt, loadtxt, round, zeros, sin, cos, arctan2, clip, pi, tanh, exp, arange, dot, outer, array, shape, zeros_like, reshape, mean, median, max, min
from numpy.random import rand, shuffle
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Functions
# Returns a B&W image of a line represented as a binary vector of length width*height
def gen_train_image(angle, width, height, thickness):
image = zeros((height,width))
x_0,y_0 = width/2, height/2
c,s = cos(angle),sin(angle)
for y in range(height):
for x in range(width):
if abs((x-x_0)*c + (y-y_0)*s) < thickness/2 and -(x-x_0)*s + (y-y_0)*c > 0:
image[x,y] = 1
return image.flatten()
# Display training image
def display_image(image,height, width):
img = plt.imshow(reshape(image,(height,width)), interpolation = 'nearest', cmap = "Greys")
# Activation function
def sigmoid(X):
return 1.0/(1+exp(-clip(X,-50,100)))
# Returns encoded angle using specified method ("binned","scaled","cossin","gaussian")
def encode_angle(angle, method):
if method == "binned": # 1-of-500 encoding
X = zeros(500)
X[int(round(250*(angle/pi + 1)))%500] = 1
elif method == "gaussian": # Leaky binned encoding
X = array([i for i in range(500)])
idx = 250*(angle/pi + 1)
X = exp(-pi*(X-idx)**2)
elif method == "scaled": # Scaled to [-1,1] encoding
X = array([angle/pi])
elif method == "cossin": # Oxinabox's (cos,sin) encoding
X = array([cos(angle),sin(angle)])
return X
# Returns decoded angle using specified method
def decode_angle(X, method):
if method == "binned" or method == "gaussian": # 1-of-500 or gaussian encoding
M = max(X)
for i in range(len(X)):
if abs(X[i]-M) < 1e-5:
angle = pi*i/250 - pi
# angle = pi*dot(array([i for i in range(500)]),X)/500 # Averaging
elif method == "scaled": # Scaled to [-1,1] encoding
angle = pi*X[0]
elif method == "cossin": # Oxinabox's (cos,sin) encoding
angle = arctan2(X[1],X[0])
return angle
# Train and test neural network with specified angle encoding method
def test_encoding_method(train_images,train_angles,test_images, test_angles, method, num_iters, alpha = 0.01, alpha_bias = 0.0001, momentum = 0.9, hid_layer_size = 500):
num_train,in_layer_size = shape(train_images)
num_test = len(test_angles)
if method == "binned":
out_layer_size = 500
elif method == "gaussian":
out_layer_size = 500
elif method == "scaled":
out_layer_size = 1
elif method == "cossin":
out_layer_size = 2
# Initial weights and biases
IN_HID = rand(in_layer_size,hid_layer_size) - 0.5 # IN --> HID weights
HID_OUT = rand(hid_layer_size,out_layer_size) - 0.5 # HID --> OUT weights
BIAS1 = rand(hid_layer_size) - 0.5 # Bias for hidden layer
BIAS2 = rand(out_layer_size) - 0.5 # Bias for output layer
# Initial weight and bias updates
IN_HID_del = zeros_like(IN_HID)
HID_OUT_del = zeros_like(HID_OUT)
BIAS1_del = zeros_like(BIAS1)
BIAS2_del = zeros_like(BIAS2)
# Train
for j in range(num_iters):
for i in range(num_train):
# Get training example
IN = train_images[i]
TARGET = encode_angle(train_angles[i],method)
# Feed forward and compute error derivatives
HID = sigmoid(dot(IN,IN_HID)+BIAS1)
if method == "binned" or method == "gaussian": # Use softmax
OUT = exp(clip(dot(HID,HID_OUT)+BIAS2,-100,100))
OUT = OUT/sum(OUT)
elif method == "cossin" or method == "scaled": # Linear
print("Invalid encoding method")
dHID_OUT = outer(HID,dACT2)
dACT1 = dot(dACT2,HID_OUT.T)*HID*(1-HID)
dIN_HID = outer(IN,dACT1)
dBIAS1 = dACT1
dBIAS2 = dACT2
# Update the weight updates
IN_HID_del = momentum*IN_HID_del + (1-momentum)*dIN_HID
HID_OUT_del = momentum*HID_OUT_del + (1-momentum)*dHID_OUT
BIAS1_del = momentum*BIAS1_del + (1-momentum)*dBIAS1
BIAS2_del = momentum*BIAS2_del + (1-momentum)*dBIAS2
# Update the weights
HID_OUT -= alpha*dHID_OUT
IN_HID -= alpha*dIN_HID
BIAS1 -= alpha_bias*dBIAS1
BIAS2 -= alpha_bias*dBIAS2
# Test
test_errors = zeros(num_test)
angles = zeros(num_test)
target_angles = zeros(num_test)
accuracy_to_point001 = 0
accuracy_to_point01 = 0
accuracy_to_point1 = 0
for i in range(num_test):
# Get training example
IN = test_images[i]
target_angle = test_angles[i]
# Feed forward
HID = sigmoid(dot(IN,IN_HID)+BIAS1)
if method == "binned" or method == "gaussian":
OUT = exp(clip(dot(HID,HID_OUT)+BIAS2,-100,100))
OUT = OUT/sum(OUT)
elif method == "cossin" or method == "scaled":
# Decode output
angle = decode_angle(OUT,method)
# Compute errors
error = abs(angle-target_angle)
test_errors[i] = error
angles[i] = angle
target_angles[i] = target_angle
if error < 0.1:
accuracy_to_point1 += 1
if error < 0.01:
accuracy_to_point01 += 1
if error < 0.001:
accuracy_to_point001 += 1
# Compute and return results
accuracy_to_point1 = 100.0*accuracy_to_point1/num_test
accuracy_to_point01 = 100.0*accuracy_to_point01/num_test
accuracy_to_point001 = 100.0*accuracy_to_point001/num_test
return mean(test_errors),median(test_errors),min(test_errors),max(test_errors),accuracy_to_point1,accuracy_to_point01,accuracy_to_point001
# Dispaly results
def display_results(results,method):
if method == "binned":
print("Test error for 1-of-500 encoding:")
elif method == "gaussian":
print("Test error for gaussian encoding: ")
elif method == "scaled":
print("Test error for [-1,1] encoding:")
elif method == "cossin":
print("Test error for (cos,sin) encoding:")
print("Mean: "+str(MEAN))
print("Median: "+str(MEDIAN))
print("Minimum: "+str(MIN))
print("Maximum: "+str(MAX))
print("Accuracy to 0.1: "+str(ACC1)+"%")
print("Accuracy to 0.01: "+str(ACC01)+"%")
print("Accuracy to 0.001: "+str(ACC001)+"%")
# Image parameters
width = 100 # Image width
height = 100 # Image heigth
thickness = 5.0 # Line thickness
# Generate training and test data
num_train = 1000
num_test = 1000
test_images = []
test_angles = []
train_images = []
train_angles = []
for i in range(num_train):
angle = pi*(2*rand() - 1)
image = gen_train_image(angle,width,height,thickness)
for i in range(num_test):
angle = pi*(2*rand() - 1)
image = gen_train_image(angle,width,height,thickness)
train_angles,train_images,test_angles,test_images = array(train_angles),array(train_images),array(test_angles),array(test_images)
# Evaluate encoding schemes
num_iters = 50
# Train with cos,sin encoding
method = "cossin"
results1 = test_encoding_method(train_images, train_angles, test_images, test_angles, method, num_iters)
# Train with scaled encoding
method = "scaled"
results3 = test_encoding_method(train_images, train_angles, test_images, test_angles, method, num_iters)
# Train with binned encoding
method = "binned"
results2 = test_encoding_method(train_images, train_angles, test_images, test_angles, method, num_iters)
# Train with gaussian encoding
method = "gaussian"
results4 = test_encoding_method(train_images, train_angles, test_images, test_angles, method, num_iters)