Avec beaucoup de remerciements à ErikE et aux autres ici, j'ai emprunté un chemin ... Je ne dirai pas que c'est le bon chemin, mais le script Powershell que j'ai trouvé fait l'affaire.
Le code est ci-dessous si quelqu'un le veut. Il suffit de l'exécuter manuellement en pointant sur chaque serveur DHCP ou de le planifier (en pointant de nouveau chaque serveur DHCP dans le script).
Ce que fait le script:
- Obtient les informations de bail du serveur DHCP (baux ipv4)
- Sort les baux dans un fichier csv
- Relit ce fichier CSV pour interroger AD
- Requêtes AD pour l'ordinateur
- S'il n'est pas trouvé, les sorties vers un nouveau fichier txt
- Crée un fichier txt final de liste unique à partir de celui créé au n ° 5 ci-dessus (car il peut y avoir des dupes si le client s'enregistre plus d'une fois ou avec plus d'un adaptateur)
- envoie par e-mail le contenu du fichier de sortie final à un administrateur
Ce dont vous aurez besoin:
Le script utilise le module AD ( import-module activedirectory
), il est donc préférable de l'exécuter sur un AD DC exécutant DHCP. Si ce n'est pas le cas pour vous, vous pouvez installer le module PowerShell AD: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/rkramesh/archive/2012/01/17/how-to-add-active-directory- module-dans-powershell-dans-windows-7.aspx
Vous aurez également besoin des applets de commande AD Powershell de Quest qui se trouvent ici: http://www.quest.com/powershell/activeroles-server.aspx . Installez-les AVANT d' exécuter le script ou il échouera.
Le script lui-même (aseptisé, vous devrez configurer certaines des variables pour répondre à vos besoins, comme les noms des fichiers d'entrée, le domaine auquel se connecter, le serveur DHCP pour se connecter, les paramètres de messagerie vers la fin, etc.):
# Get-nonADclientsOnDHCP.ps1
# Author : TheCleaner http://serverfault.com/users/7861/thecleaner with a big thanks for a lot of the lease grab code to Assaf Miron on code.google.com
# Description : This Script grabs the current leases on a Windows DHCP server, outputs it to a csv
# then takes that csv file as input and determines if the lease is from a non-AD joined computer. It then emails
# an administrator notification. Set it up on a schedule of your choosing in Task Scheduler.
# This helps non-802.1X shops keep track of rogue DHCP clients that aren't part of the domain.
# Input : leaselog.csv
# Output: Lease log = leaselog.csv
# Output: Rogue Clients with dupes = RogueClients.txt
# Output: Rogue Clients - unique = RogueClientsFinal.txt
$LOG_FOLDER = "C:\DHCP" # A Folder to save all the Logs
# Create Log File Paths
$LeaseLog = $LOG_FOLDER+"\LeaseLog.csv"
#region Create Scope Object
# Create a New Object
$Scope = New-Object psobject
# Add new members to the Object
$Scope | Add-Member noteproperty "Address" ""
$Scope | Add-Member noteproperty "Mask" ""
$Scope | Add-Member noteproperty "State" ""
$Scope | Add-Member noteproperty "Name" ""
$Scope | Add-Member noteproperty "LeaseDuration" ""
# Create Each Member in the Object as an Array
$Scope.Address = @()
$Scope.Mask = @()
$Scope.State = @()
$Scope.Name = @()
$Scope.LeaseDuration = @()
#region Create Lease Object
# Create a New Object
$LeaseClients = New-Object psObject
# Add new members to the Object
$LeaseClients | Add-Member noteproperty "IP" ""
$LeaseClients | Add-Member noteproperty "Name" ""
$LeaseClients | Add-Member noteproperty "Mask" ""
$LeaseClients | Add-Member noteproperty "MAC" ""
$LeaseClients | Add-Member noteproperty "Expires" ""
$LeaseClients | Add-Member noteproperty "Type" ""
# Create Each Member in the Object as an Array
$LeaseClients.IP = @()
$LeaseClients.Name = @()
$LeaseClients.MAC = @()
$LeaseClients.Mask = @()
$LeaseClients.Expires = @()
$LeaseClients.Type = @()
#region Create Reserved Object
# Create a New Object
$LeaseReserved = New-Object psObject
# Add new members to the Object
$LeaseReserved | Add-Member noteproperty "IP" ""
$LeaseReserved | Add-Member noteproperty "MAC" ""
# Create Each Member in the Object as an Array
$LeaseReserved.IP = @()
$LeaseReserved.MAC = @()
#region Define Commands
#Commad to Connect to DHCP Server
$NetCommand = "netsh dhcp server \\$DHCP_SERVER"
#Command to get all Scope details on the Server
$ShowScopes = "$NetCommand show scope"
function Get-LeaseType( $LeaseType )
# Input : The Lease type in one Char
# Output : The Lease type description
# Description : This function translates a Lease type Char to it's relevant Description
"N" { return "None" }
"D" { return "DHCP" }
"B" { return "BOOTP" }
"U" { return "UNSPECIFIED" }
"R" { return "RESERVATION IP" }
function Check-Empty( $Object ){
# Input : An Object with values.
# Output : A Trimmed String of the Object or '-' if it's Null.
# Description : Check the object if its null or not and return it's value.
If($Object -eq $null)
return "-"
return $Object.ToString().Trim()
function out-CSV ( $LogFile, $Append = $false) {
# Input : An Object with values, Boolean value if to append the file or not, a File path to a Log File
# Output : Export of the object values to a CSV File
# Description : This Function Exports all the Values and Headers of an object to a CSV File.
# The Object is recieved with the Input Const (Used with Pipelineing) or the $inputObject
Foreach ($item in $input){
# Get all the Object Properties
$Properties = $item.PsObject.get_properties()
# Create Empty Strings - Start Fresh
$Headers = ""
$Values = ""
# Go over each Property and get it's Name and value
$Properties | %{
$Headers += $_.Name + ","
$Values += $_.Value
# Output the Object Values and Headers to the Log file
If($Append -and (Test-Path $LogFile)) {
$Values | Out-File -Append -FilePath $LogFile -Encoding Unicode
else {
# Used to mark it as an Powershell Custum object - you can Import it later and use it
# "#TYPE System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject" | Out-File -FilePath $LogFile
$Headers | Out-File -FilePath $LogFile -Encoding Unicode
$Values | Out-File -Append -FilePath $LogFile -Encoding Unicode
#region Get all Scopes in the Server
# Run the Command in the Show Scopes var
$AllScopes = Invoke-Expression $ShowScopes
# Go over all the Results, start from index 5 and finish in last index -3
for($i=5;$i -lt $AllScopes.Length-3;$i++)
# Split the line and get the strings
$line = $AllScopes[$i].Split("-")
$Scope.Address += Check-Empty $line[0]
$Scope.Mask += Check-Empty $line[1]
$Scope.State += Check-Empty $line[2]
# Line 3 and 4 represent the Name and Comment of the Scope
# If the name is empty, try taking the comment
If (Check-Empty $line[3] -eq "-") {
$Scope.Name += Check-Empty $line[4]
else { $Scope.Name += Check-Empty $line[3] }
# Get all the Active Scopes IP Address
$ScopesIP = $Scope | Where { $_.State -eq "Active" } | Select Address
# Go over all the Adresses to collect Scope Client Lease Details
Foreach($ScopeAddress in $ScopesIP.Address){
# Define some Commands to run later - these commands need to be here because we use the ScopeAddress var that changes every loop
#Command to get all Lease Details from a specific Scope - when 1 is amitted the output includes the computer name
$ShowLeases = "$NetCommand scope "+$ScopeAddress+" show clients 1"
#Command to get all Reserved IP Details from a specific Scope
$ShowReserved = "$NetCommand scope "+$ScopeAddress+" show reservedip"
#Command to get all the Scopes Options (Including the Scope Lease Duration)
$ShowScopeDuration = "$NetCommand scope "+$ScopeAddress+" show option"
# Run the Commands and save the output in the accourding var
$AllLeases = Invoke-Expression $ShowLeases
$AllReserved = Invoke-Expression $ShowReserved
$AllOptions = Invoke-Expression $ShowScopeDuration
# Get the Lease Duration from Each Scope
for($i=0; $i -lt $AllOptions.count;$i++)
# Find a Scope Option ID number 51 - this Option ID Represents the Scope Lease Duration
if($AllOptions[$i] -match "OptionId : 51")
# Get the Lease Duration from the Specified line
$tmpLease = $AllOptions[$i+4].Split("=")[1].Trim()
# The Lease Duration is recieved in Ticks / 10000000
$tmpLease = [int]$tmpLease * 10000000; # Need to Convert to Int and Multiply by 10000000 to get Ticks
# Create a TimeSpan Object
$TimeSpan = New-Object -TypeName TimeSpan -ArgumentList $tmpLease
# Calculate the $tmpLease Ticks to Days and put it in the Scope Lease Duration
$Scope.LeaseDuration += $TimeSpan.TotalDays
# After you found one Exit the For
# Get all Client Leases from Each Scope
for($i=8;$i -lt $AllLeases.Length-4;$i++)
# Split the line and get the strings
$line = [regex]::split($AllLeases[$i],"\s{2,}")
# Check if you recieve all the lines that you need
$LeaseClients.IP += Check-Empty $line[0]
$LeaseClients.Mask += Check-Empty $line[1].ToString().replace("-","").Trim()
$LeaseClients.MAC += $line[2].ToString().substring($line[2].ToString().indexOf("-")+1,$line[2].toString().Length-1).Trim()
$LeaseClients.Expires += $(Check-Empty $line[3]).replace("-","").Trim()
$LeaseClients.Type += Get-LeaseType $(Check-Empty $line[4]).replace("-","").Trim()
$LeaseClients.Name += Check-Empty $line[5]
# Get all Client Lease Reservations from Each Scope
for($i=7;$i -lt $AllReserved.Length-5;$i++)
# Split the line and get the strings
$line = [regex]::split($AllReserved[$i],"\s{2,}")
$LeaseReserved.IP += Check-Empty $line[0]
$LeaseReserved.MAC += Check-Empty $line[2]
#region Create a Temp Scope Object
# Create a New Object
$tmpScope = New-Object psobject
# Add new members to the Object
$tmpScope | Add-Member noteproperty "Address" ""
$tmpScope | Add-Member noteproperty "Mask" ""
$tmpScope | Add-Member noteproperty "State" ""
$tmpScope | Add-Member noteproperty "Name" ""
$tmpScope | Add-Member noteproperty "LeaseDuration" ""
#region Create a Temp Lease Object
# Create a New Object
$tmpLeaseClients = New-Object psObject
# Add new members to the Object
$tmpLeaseClients | Add-Member noteproperty "IP" ""
$tmpLeaseClients | Add-Member noteproperty "Name" ""
$tmpLeaseClients | Add-Member noteproperty "Mask" ""
$tmpLeaseClients | Add-Member noteproperty "MAC" ""
$tmpLeaseClients | Add-Member noteproperty "Expires" ""
$tmpLeaseClients | Add-Member noteproperty "Type" ""
#region Create a Temp Reserved Object
# Create a New Object
$tmpLeaseReserved = New-Object psObject
# Add new members to the Object
$tmpLeaseReserved | Add-Member noteproperty "IP" ""
$tmpLeaseReserved | Add-Member noteproperty "MAC" ""
# Go over all the Client Lease addresses and export each detail to a temporary var and out to the log file
For($l=0; $l -lt $LeaseClients.IP.Length;$l++)
# Get all Scope details to a temp var
$tmpLeaseClients.IP = $LeaseClients.IP[$l] + ","
$tmpLeaseClients.Name = $LeaseClients.Name[$l] + ","
$tmpLeaseClients.Mask = $LeaseClients.Mask[$l] + ","
$tmpLeaseClients.MAC = $LeaseClients.MAC[$l] + ","
$tmpLeaseClients.Expires = $LeaseClients.Expires[$l] + ","
$tmpLeaseClients.Type = $LeaseClients.Type[$l]
# Export with the Out-CSV Function to the Log File
$tmpLeaseClients | out-csv $LeaseLog -append $true
#Continue on figuring out if the DHCP lease clients are in AD or not
#Import the Active Directory module
import-module activedirectory
#import Quest AD module
Add-PSSnapin Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement
#connect to AD
# get input CSV
$leaselogpath = "c:\DHCP\LeaseLog.csv"
Import-csv -path $leaselogpath |
#query AD for computer name based on csv log
foreach-object `
$NameResult = Get-QADComputer -DnsName $_.Name
If ($NameResult -eq $null) {$RogueSystem = $_.Name}
$RogueSystem | Out-File C:\DHCP\RogueClients.txt -Append
$RogueSystem = $null
Get-Content C:\DHCP\RogueClients.txt | Select-Object -Unique | Out-File C:\DHCP\RogueClientsFinal.txt
Remove-Item C:\DHCP\RogueClients.txt
#send email to netadmin
$smtpserver = "SMTP SERVER IP"
$subject="Non-AD joined DHCP clients"
$body= (Get-Content C:\DHCP\RogueClientsFinal.txt) -join '<BR> <BR>'
$mailer = new-object Net.Mail.SMTPclient($smtpserver)
$msg = new-object Net.Mail.MailMessage($from,$to,$subject,$body)
$msg.IsBodyHTML = $true
J'espère que cela aide quelqu'un d'autre!