J'installe un stunnel
serveur sur Windows XP et j'obtiens ce bogue lorsqu'un client essaie d'accéder:
2013.02.14 00:02:16 LOG7[8848:7664]: Service [https] accepted (FD=320) from
2013.02.14 00:02:16 LOG7[8848:7664]: Creating a new thread
2013.02.14 00:02:16 LOG7[8848:7664]: New thread created
2013.02.14 00:02:16 LOG7[8848:9792]: Service [https] started
2013.02.14 00:02:16 LOG5[8848:9792]: Service [https] accepted connection from
2013.02.14 00:02:16 LOG7[8848:9792]: SSL state (accept): before/accept initialization
2013.02.14 00:02:16 LOG7[8848:9792]: SSL alert (write): fatal: handshake failure
2013.02.14 00:02:16 LOG3[8848:9792]: SSL_accept: 1408A10B: error:1408A10B:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_CLIENT_HELLO:wrong version number
2013.02.14 00:02:16 LOG5[8848:9792]: Connection reset: 0 byte(s) sent to SSL, 0 byte(s) sent to socket
2013.02.14 00:02:16 LOG7[8848:9792]: Local socket (FD=320) closed
2013.02.14 00:02:16 LOG7[8848:9792]: Service [https] finished (0 left)
Une idée de quoi faire à ce sujet? J'ai lu en ligne que cela pouvait signifier que mon serveur annonçait qu'il pouvait communiquer en SSL3 mais qu'il ne le pouvait pas. Si c'est vrai, j'aimerais savoir comment résoudre ce problème. J'édite le stunnel.conf
fichier mais je n'ai aucune idée de ce qu'il faut changer pour y remédier.
Le message d'erreur ci-dessus s'affiche uniquement lorsque le client Twilio (c'est-à-dire le serveur de Twilio) tente d'accéder à mon serveur. Lorsque j'essaie d'accéder à mon serveur avec l'un de mes ordinateurs, la page s'affiche, mais une fois le contenu affiché, Chrome affiche la page en "chargement" pendant environ 30 secondes, ce qui stunnel
donne à la fin ce message:
transfer: s_poll_wait: TIMEOUTclose exceeded: closing
Voici la capture de Wheelshark: https://gist.github.com/cool-RR/4963477
Fichier de cap: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1927707/wireshark.cap
Notez que le serveur s'exécute sur le port 8088.
Voici le journal du serveur (avec debug = 7):
2013.02.17 17:06:52 LOG7[7636:2092]: No limit detected for the number of clients
2013.02.17 17:06:52 LOG5[7636:2092]: stunnel 4.54 on x86-pc-msvc-1500 platform
2013.02.17 17:06:52 LOG5[7636:2092]: Compiled/running with OpenSSL 1.0.1c-fips 10 May 2012
2013.02.17 17:06:52 LOG5[7636:2092]: Threading:WIN32 SSL:+ENGINE+OCSP+FIPS Auth:none Sockets:SELECT+IPv6
2013.02.17 17:06:52 LOG5[7636:2092]: Reading configuration from file stunnel.conf
2013.02.17 17:06:52 LOG5[7636:2092]: FIPS mode is enabled
2013.02.17 17:06:52 LOG7[7636:2092]: Compression not enabled
2013.02.17 17:06:52 LOG7[7636:2092]: Snagged 64 random bytes from C:\Documents and Settings\User/.rnd
2013.02.17 17:06:52 LOG7[7636:2092]: Wrote 1024 new random bytes to C:\Documents and Settings\User/.rnd
2013.02.17 17:06:52 LOG7[7636:2092]: PRNG seeded successfully
2013.02.17 17:06:52 LOG6[7636:2092]: Initializing service [https]
2013.02.17 17:06:52 LOG7[7636:2092]: Certificate: G:\Dropbox\StartSSL\SSL Cert.pem
2013.02.17 17:06:52 LOG7[7636:2092]: Certificate loaded
2013.02.17 17:06:52 LOG7[7636:2092]: Key file: G:\Dropbox\StartSSL\SSL Cert.pem
2013.02.17 17:06:52 LOG7[7636:2092]: Private key loaded
2013.02.17 17:06:52 LOG7[7636:2092]: Could not load DH parameters from G:\Dropbox\StartSSL\SSL Cert.pem
2013.02.17 17:06:52 LOG7[7636:2092]: Using hardcoded DH parameters
2013.02.17 17:06:52 LOG7[7636:2092]: DH initialized with 2048-bit key
2013.02.17 17:06:52 LOG7[7636:2092]: ECDH initialized with curve prime256v1
2013.02.17 17:06:52 LOG7[7636:2092]: SSL options set: 0x03000004
2013.02.17 17:06:52 LOG5[7636:2092]: Configuration successful
2013.02.17 17:06:52 LOG7[7636:2092]: Service [https] (FD=268) bound to
2013.02.17 17:07:08 LOG7[7636:2092]: Service [https] accepted (FD=320) from
2013.02.17 17:07:08 LOG7[7636:2092]: Creating a new thread
2013.02.17 17:07:08 LOG7[7636:2092]: New thread created
2013.02.17 17:07:08 LOG7[7636:8004]: Service [https] started
2013.02.17 17:07:08 LOG5[7636:8004]: Service [https] accepted connection from
2013.02.17 17:07:08 LOG7[7636:8004]: SSL state (accept): before/accept initialization
2013.02.17 17:07:08 LOG7[7636:8004]: SSL alert (write): fatal: handshake failure
2013.02.17 17:07:08 LOG3[7636:8004]: SSL_accept: 1408A10B: error:1408A10B:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_CLIENT_HELLO:wrong version number
2013.02.17 17:07:08 LOG5[7636:8004]: Connection reset: 0 byte(s) sent to SSL, 0 byte(s) sent to socket
2013.02.17 17:07:08 LOG7[7636:8004]: Local socket (FD=320) closed
2013.02.17 17:07:08 LOG7[7636:8004]: Service [https] finished (0 left)