En utilisant le script génial de Remunda comme point de départ, j’ai ajouté une chose qui manquait: le blocage des adresses IP à partir des connexions FTP ayant échoué . Windows Server n'enregistre pas l'adresse IP dans le journal de sécurité lorsqu'un utilisateur ne parvient pas à se connecter via FTP. Il définit plutôt "Adresse réseau source" sur un tiret. Le FTP étant un vecteur d’attaque très courant pour les attaques par force brute, j’ai ajouté à son script la possibilité d’analyser les journaux FTP du jour pour rechercher les échecs de connexion multiples et de bloquer également les adresses IP.
Mise à jour 2014/02/07: Lorsque j'ai apporté quelques modifications à cette question pour traiter tous mes anciens journaux FTP, je me suis rendu compte que, lorsqu'elles avaient un nombre de tentatives immense (plus de 50 000), les baies créées étaient énormes et rendaient le traitement extrêmement lent. Depuis, je l'ai réécrit pour le rendre beaucoup plus efficace lors du traitement des journaux FTP.
J'ai également découvert qu'il existe une limite absolue arbitraire de 1 000 pour le nombre d'adresses IP pouvant figurer dans une règle de pare-feu Windows. À cause de cette limite, j'avais besoin de créer automatiquement une nouvelle règle lorsque la dernière est remplie. Il le fait maintenant et crée également la règle de pare-feu initiale (si vous ne créez pas la vôtre) de sorte que la seule configuration à faire consiste à l'ajouter au planificateur afin qu'il soit exécuté lorsqu'il y a un événement 4625.
Voici le code qui a été testé sur Windows Server 2008 R2 et Windows 7:
# This Windows Powershell script will automatically block IP addresses that attempt to login to the system
# and fail the number of times set below with the $int_block_limit variable or more. Is scans both the Security
# log, which covers Remote Desktop and other attempts, as well as the current day's FTP log. If the $int_block_limit
# limit is hit on either of those logs (separately, not combined), then the IP address will be added to the
# firewall rule.
# The script will automatically create a firewall rule named "BlockAttackers (Created yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss UTC)" using
# the current time if one with a name that includes "BlockAttackers" doesn't already exist. Because there's a hard
# limit of 1000 entries (IP addresses) you can block per rule, it will also create similarly-named rules once that
# limit is reached for the latest one.
# I recommend setting the script to run as a scheduled task triggered by event 4625 login audit failures from the
# Security log, or alternatively you could set it to run after some amount of time (i.e. every 10 minutes).
# Authors:
# Majority of script written by serverfault.com user kevinmicke
# Windows Security Log portion written by serverfault.com user remunda, which provided the starting point for kevinmicke
# Details: https://serverfault.com/questions/233222/ban-ip-address-based-on-x-number-of-unsuccessful-login-attempts
# Set number of failed login attempts after which an IP address will be blocked
$int_block_limit = 10
# Time window during which to check the Security log, which is currently set to check only the last 24 hours
$dat_time_window = [DateTime]::Now.AddDays(-1)
# Select from the Security log all IP addresses that have more than $int_block_limit audit failures (event 4625) within $dat_time_window
$arr_new_bad_ips_security_log = @()
$arr_new_bad_ips_security_log = Get-EventLog -LogName 'Security' -InstanceId 4625 -After $dat_time_window |
Select-Object @{n='IpAddress';e={$_.ReplacementStrings[-2]}} |
Group-Object -property IpAddress |
Where {$_.Count -ge $int_block_limit} |
Select -property Name
# Get current time UTC to figure out filename for current FTP log
$current_date_utc = (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime()
# Set path to today's FTP log file
$str_log_file_name = "C:\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\FTPSVC2\u_ex" + $current_date_utc.ToString("yyMMdd") + ".log"
# Search today's FTP log file for "530 1326" to find lines that contain IPs of systems that failed to log in,
# get just the IP from each line, group the IPs by IP to count the attempts from each one, and select only the
# IPs that have $int_block_limit or more bad logins today
$arr_new_bad_ips_ftp = @()
$arr_new_bad_ips_ftp = Select-String $str_log_file_name -pattern "530 1326" |
ForEach-Object {$_.Line.Substring(20,15) -replace " .*", ""} |
Group |
Where {$_.Count -ge $int_block_limit} |
Select -property Name
# Concatenate the two arrays of IPs (one from Security log, one from FTP log)
$arr_new_bad_ips_all = @()
# $arr_new_bad_ips_all = @($arr_new_bad_ips_security_log) + @($arr_new_bad_ips_ftp_over_limit)
$arr_new_bad_ips_all = @($arr_new_bad_ips_security_log) + @($arr_new_bad_ips_ftp)
# Sort the array, selecting only unique IPs (in case one IP shows up in both the Security and FTP logs)
$arr_new_bad_ips_all_sorted = @()
$arr_new_bad_ips_all_sorted = $arr_new_bad_ips_all |
Foreach-Object { [string]$_.Name } |
Select-Object -unique
# Get firewall object
$firewall = New-Object -comobject hnetcfg.fwpolicy2
# Get all firewall rules matching "BlockAttackers*"
$arr_firewall_rules = $firewall.Rules | Where {$_.Name -like 'BlockAttackers*'}
# If no "BlockAttackers*" firewall rule exists yet, create one and set it to a variable
if ($arr_firewall_rules -eq $null) {
$str_new_rule_name = "BlockAttackers (Created " + $current_date_utc.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + " UTC)"
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule dir=in action=block name=$str_new_rule_name description="Rule automatically created by BlockAttackers Powershell script written by Kevin Micke." enable=yes remoteip="" | Out-Null
$arr_firewall_rules = $firewall.Rules | Where {$_.Name -like 'BlockAttackers*'}
# Split the existing IPs from current "BlockAttackers*" firewall rule(s) into an array so we can easily search them
$arr_existing_bad_ips = @()
foreach ($rule in $arr_firewall_rules) {
$arr_existing_bad_ips += $rule.RemoteAddresses -split(',')
# Clean subnet masks off of IPs that are currently blocked by the firewall rule(s)
$arr_existing_bad_ips_without_masks = @()
$arr_existing_bad_ips_without_masks = $arr_existing_bad_ips | ForEach-Object {$_ -replace "/.*", ""}
# Select IP addresses to add to the firewall, but only ones that...
$arr_new_bad_ips_for_firewall = @()
$arr_new_bad_ips_for_firewall = $arr_new_bad_ips_all_sorted | Where {
# contain an IP address (i.e. aren't blank or a dash, which the Security log has for systems that failed FTP logins)
$_.Length -gt 6 -and
# aren't already in the firewall rule(s)
!($arr_existing_bad_ips_without_masks -contains $_) -and
# aren't the local loopback
!($_.StartsWith('')) -and
# aren't part of the local subnet
!($_.StartsWith('192.168.')) -and
# If there are IPs to block, do the following...
if ($arr_new_bad_ips_for_firewall -ne $null) {
# Write date and time to script-specific log file
[DateTime]::Now | Out-File -Append -Encoding utf8 C:\blockattackers.txt
# Write newly-blocked IP addresses to log file
$arr_new_bad_ips_for_firewall | Out-File -Append -Encoding utf8 C:\blockattackers.txt
# Boolean to make sure the new IPs are only added on one rule
$bln_added_to_rule = 0
# Array to hold bad IPs from each rule one at a time, so we can count to make sure adding the new ones won't exceed 1000 IPs
$arr_existing_bad_ips_current_rule = @()
# For each "BlockAttackers*" rule in the firewall, do the following...
foreach ($rule in $arr_firewall_rules) {
if ($bln_added_to_rule -ne 1) {
# Split the existing IPs from the current rule into an array so we can easily count them
$arr_existing_bad_ips_current_rule = $rule.RemoteAddresses -split(',')
# If the number of IPs to add is less than 1000 minus the current number of IPs in the rule, add them to this rule
if ($arr_new_bad_ips_for_firewall.Count -le (1000 - $arr_existing_bad_ips_current_rule.Count)) {
# Add new IPs to firewall rule
$arr_new_bad_ips_for_firewall | %{$rule.RemoteAddresses += ',' + $_}
# Write which rule the IPs were added to to log file
echo "New IP addresses above added to Windows Firewall rule:" $rule.Name | Out-File -Append -Encoding utf8 C:\blockattackers.txt
# Set boolean so any other rules are skipped when adding IPs
$bln_added_to_rule = 1
# If there wasn't room in any other "BlockAttackers*" firewall rule, create a new one and add the IPs to it
if ($bln_added_to_rule -ne 1) {
$str_new_rule_name = "BlockAttackers (Created " + $current_date_utc.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + " UTC)"
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule dir=in action=block name=$str_new_rule_name description="Rule automatically created by BlockAttackers Powershell script written by Kevin Micke." enable=yes remoteip="" | Out-Null
$new_rule = $firewall.rules | Where {$_.Name -eq $str_new_rule_name}
# Add new IPs to firewall rule
$arr_new_bad_ips_for_firewall | %{$new_rule.RemoteAddresses += ',' + $_}
# Write which rule the IPs were added to to log file
echo "New IP addresses above added to newly created Windows Firewall rule:" $new_rule.Name | Out-File -Append -Encoding utf8 C:\blockattackers.txt