Base de données, dict de dictionnaires, dictionnaire de liste de dictionnaires, tuple nommé (c'est une sous-classe), sqlite, redondance ... Je n'en croyais pas mes yeux. Quoi d'autre ?
"Il se pourrait bien que les dictionnaires avec des tuples comme clés ne soient pas la bonne manière de gérer cette situation."
"mon instinct est qu'une base de données est excessive pour les besoins du PO;"
Ouais! j'ai pensé
Donc, à mon avis, une liste de tuples suffit largement:
from operator import itemgetter
li = [ ('banana', 'blue' , 24) ,
('apple', 'green' , 12) ,
('strawberry', 'blue' , 16 ) ,
('banana', 'yellow' , 13) ,
('apple', 'gold' , 3 ) ,
('pear', 'yellow' , 10) ,
('strawberry', 'orange' , 27) ,
('apple', 'blue' , 21) ,
('apple', 'silver' , 0 ) ,
('strawberry', 'green' , 4 ) ,
('banana', 'brown' , 14) ,
('strawberry', 'yellow' , 31) ,
('apple', 'pink' , 9 ) ,
('strawberry', 'gold' , 0 ) ,
('pear', 'gold' , 66) ,
('apple', 'yellow' , 9 ) ,
('pear', 'brown' , 5 ) ,
('strawberry', 'pink' , 8 ) ,
('apple', 'purple' , 7 ) ,
('pear', 'blue' , 51) ,
('chesnut', 'yellow', 0 ) ]
print set( u[1] for u in li ),': all potential colors'
print set( c for f,c,n in li if n!=0),': all effective colors'
print [ c for f,c,n in li if f=='banana' ],': all potential colors of bananas'
print [ c for f,c,n in li if f=='banana' and n!=0],': all effective colors of bananas'
print set( u[0] for u in li ),': all potential fruits'
print set( f for f,c,n in li if n!=0),': all effective fruits'
print [ f for f,c,n in li if c=='yellow' ],': all potential fruits being yellow'
print [ f for f,c,n in li if c=='yellow' and n!=0],': all effective fruits being yellow'
print len(set( u[1] for u in li )),': number of all potential colors'
print len(set(c for f,c,n in li if n!=0)),': number of all effective colors'
print len( [c for f,c,n in li if f=='strawberry']),': number of potential colors of strawberry'
print len( [c for f,c,n in li if f=='strawberry' and n!=0]),': number of effective colors of strawberry'
# sorting li by name of fruit
print sorted(li),' sorted li by name of fruit'
# sorting li by number
print sorted(li, key = itemgetter(2)),' sorted li by number'
# sorting li first by name of color and secondly by name of fruit
print sorted(li, key = itemgetter(1,0)),' sorted li first by name of color and secondly by name of fruit'
set(['blue', 'brown', 'gold', 'purple', 'yellow', 'pink', 'green', 'orange', 'silver']) : all potential colors
set(['blue', 'brown', 'gold', 'purple', 'yellow', 'pink', 'green', 'orange']) : all effective colors
['blue', 'yellow', 'brown'] : all potential colors of bananas
['blue', 'yellow', 'brown'] : all effective colors of bananas
set(['strawberry', 'chesnut', 'pear', 'banana', 'apple']) : all potential fruits
set(['strawberry', 'pear', 'banana', 'apple']) : all effective fruits
['banana', 'pear', 'strawberry', 'apple', 'chesnut'] : all potential fruits being yellow
['banana', 'pear', 'strawberry', 'apple'] : all effective fruits being yellow
9 : number of all potential colors
8 : number of all effective colors
6 : number of potential colors of strawberry
5 : number of effective colors of strawberry
[('apple', 'blue', 21), ('apple', 'gold', 3), ('apple', 'green', 12), ('apple', 'pink', 9), ('apple', 'purple', 7), ('apple', 'silver', 0), ('apple', 'yellow', 9), ('banana', 'blue', 24), ('banana', 'brown', 14), ('banana', 'yellow', 13), ('chesnut', 'yellow', 0), ('pear', 'blue', 51), ('pear', 'brown', 5), ('pear', 'gold', 66), ('pear', 'yellow', 10), ('strawberry', 'blue', 16), ('strawberry', 'gold', 0), ('strawberry', 'green', 4), ('strawberry', 'orange', 27), ('strawberry', 'pink', 8), ('strawberry', 'yellow', 31)] sorted li by name of fruit
[('apple', 'silver', 0), ('strawberry', 'gold', 0), ('chesnut', 'yellow', 0), ('apple', 'gold', 3), ('strawberry', 'green', 4), ('pear', 'brown', 5), ('apple', 'purple', 7), ('strawberry', 'pink', 8), ('apple', 'pink', 9), ('apple', 'yellow', 9), ('pear', 'yellow', 10), ('apple', 'green', 12), ('banana', 'yellow', 13), ('banana', 'brown', 14), ('strawberry', 'blue', 16), ('apple', 'blue', 21), ('banana', 'blue', 24), ('strawberry', 'orange', 27), ('strawberry', 'yellow', 31), ('pear', 'blue', 51), ('pear', 'gold', 66)] sorted li by number
[('apple', 'blue', 21), ('banana', 'blue', 24), ('pear', 'blue', 51), ('strawberry', 'blue', 16), ('banana', 'brown', 14), ('pear', 'brown', 5), ('apple', 'gold', 3), ('pear', 'gold', 66), ('strawberry', 'gold', 0), ('apple', 'green', 12), ('strawberry', 'green', 4), ('strawberry', 'orange', 27), ('apple', 'pink', 9), ('strawberry', 'pink', 8), ('apple', 'purple', 7), ('apple', 'silver', 0), ('apple', 'yellow', 9), ('banana', 'yellow', 13), ('chesnut', 'yellow', 0), ('pear', 'yellow', 10), ('strawberry', 'yellow', 31)] sorted li first by name of color and secondly by name of fruit