J'ai roulé le mien parce que je n'avais pas le temps d'apprendre à quelqu'un d'autre façon de faire les choses, cela a pris environ 20 minutes à rédiger, 10 à l'adapter pour le poster ici.
Unittesting m'est très utile.
c'est un peu long mais ça s'explique et il y a un exemple en bas.
* Provides Assertions
class Assert
public static function AreEqual( $a, $b )
if ( $a != $b )
throw new Exception( 'Subjects are not equal.' );
* Provides a loggable entity with information on a test and how it executed
class TestResult
protected $_testableInstance = null;
protected $_isSuccess = false;
public function getSuccess()
return $this->_isSuccess;
protected $_output = '';
public function getOutput()
return $_output;
public function setOutput( $value )
$_output = $value;
protected $_test = null;
public function getTest()
return $this->_test;
public function getName()
return $this->_test->getName();
public function getComment()
return $this->ParseComment( $this->_test->getDocComment() );
private function ParseComment( $comment )
$lines = explode( "\n", $comment );
for( $i = 0; $i < count( $lines ); $i ++ )
$lines[$i] = trim( $lines[ $i ] );
return implode( "\n", $lines );
protected $_exception = null;
public function getException()
return $this->_exception;
static public function CreateFailure( Testable $object, ReflectionMethod $test, Exception $exception )
$result = new self();
$result->_isSuccess = false;
$result->testableInstance = $object;
$result->_test = $test;
$result->_exception = $exception;
return $result;
static public function CreateSuccess( Testable $object, ReflectionMethod $test )
$result = new self();
$result->_isSuccess = true;
$result->testableInstance = $object;
$result->_test = $test;
return $result;
* Provides a base class to derive tests from
abstract class Testable
protected $test_log = array();
* Logs the result of a test. keeps track of results for later inspection, Overridable to log elsewhere.
protected function Log( TestResult $result )
$this->test_log[] = $result;
printf( "Test: %s was a %s %s\n"
,$result->getSuccess() ? 'success' : 'failure'
,$result->getSuccess() ? '' : sprintf( "\n%s (lines:%d-%d; file:%s)"
final public function RunTests()
$class = new ReflectionClass( $this );
foreach( $class->GetMethods() as $method )
$methodname = $method->getName();
if ( strlen( $methodname ) > 4 && substr( $methodname, 0, 4 ) == 'Test' )
$result = TestResult::CreateSuccess( $this, $method );
catch( Exception $ex )
$result = TestResult::CreateFailure( $this, $method, $ex );
$output = ob_get_clean();
$result->setOutput( $output );
$this->Log( $result );
* a simple Test suite with two tests
class MyTest extends Testable
* This test is designed to fail
public function TestOne()
Assert::AreEqual( 1, 2 );
* This test is designed to succeed
public function TestTwo()
Assert::AreEqual( 1, 1 );
// this is how to use it.
$test = new MyTest();
Cela produit:
Test: TestOne était un échec
/ **
* Ce test est conçu pour échouer
** / (lignes: 149-152; fichier: /Users/kris/Desktop/Testable.php)
Test: TestTwo a été un succès