J'utilise personnellement le code suivant dans un package "dataManagement" que j'appelle dans tous mes scripts. Il contient une documentation et des exemples roxygénés. En fait, vous appelez simplement document () et faites exécuter doxygen sur le code C, dans src /. La documentation est placée dans inst / doxygen pour que votre paquet soit prêt pour CRAN.
La documentation R étant conçue pour les utilisateurs finaux R non censés regarder le code C Je n'ai pas intégré la documentation du code C dans la documentation R classique mais ce serait probablement une bonne pratique de copier la documentation C résultante sous forme de "vignette" .
#' @title Replace a value for a given tag on file in memory
#' @description Scan the lines and change the value for the named tag if one line has this tag,
#' add a line at the end if no line has this tag and return a warning if several lines
#' matching the tag
#' @param fileStrings A vector with each string containing a line of the file
#' @param tag The tag to be searched for
#' @param newVal The new value for the tag
#' @return The vector of strings with the new value
#' @examples
#' fakeFileStrings <- c("Hello = world","SURE\t= indeed","Hello = you")
#' expect_warning(ReplaceTag(fakeFileStrings,"Hello","me"))
#' newFake <- ReplaceTag(fakeFileStrings,"SURE","me")
#' expect_equal(length(newFake), length(fakeFileStrings))
#' expect_equal(length(grep("SURE",newFake)), 1)
#' expect_equal(length(grep("me",newFake)), 1)
#' newFake <- ReplaceTag(fakeFileStrings,"Bouh","frightened?")
#' expect_equal(length(newFake), length(fakeFileStrings)+1)
#' expect_equal(length(grep("Bouh",newFake)), 1)
#' expect_equal(length(grep("frightened?",newFake)), 1)
ReplaceTag <- function(fileStrings,tag,newVal){
iLine <- grep(paste0("^",tag,"\\>"),fileStrings)
nLines <- length(iLine)
if(nLines == 0){
line <- paste0(tag,"\t= ",newVal)
iLine <- length(fileStrings)+1
}else if (nLines > 0){
line <- gsub("=.*",paste0("= ",newVal),fileStrings[iLine])
if(nLines >1){
warning(paste0("File has",nLines,"for key",tag,"check it up manually"))
fileStrings[iLine] <- line
#' Prepares the R package structure for use with doxygen
#' @description Makes a configuration file in inst/doxygen
#' and set a few options:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{EXTRACT_ALL = YES}
#' \item{INPUT = src/}
#' \item{OUTPUT_DIRECTORY = inst/doxygen/}
#' }
#' @param rootFolder The root of the R package
#' @return NULL
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' DoxInit()
#' }
#' @export
DoxInit <- function(rootFolder="."){
doxyFileName <- "Doxyfile"
initFolder <- getwd()
if(rootFolder != "."){
rootFileYes <- length(grep("DESCRIPTION",dir()))>0
# prepare the doxygen folder
doxDir <- "inst/doxygen"
# prepare the doxygen configuration file
system(paste0("doxygen -g ",doxyFileName))
doxyfile <- readLines("Doxyfile")
doxyfile <- ReplaceTag(doxyfile,"EXTRACT_ALL","YES")
doxyfile <- ReplaceTag(doxyfile,"INPUT","src/")
doxyfile <- ReplaceTag(doxyfile,"OUTPUT_DIRECTORY","inst/doxygen/")
#' devtools document function when using doxygen
#' @description Overwrites devtools::document() to include the treatment of
#' doxygen documentation in src/
#' @param doxygen A boolean: should doxygen be ran on documents in src?
#' the default is TRUE if a src folder exist and FALSE if not
#' @return The value returned by devtools::document()
#' @example
#' \dontrun{
#' document()
#' }
#' @export
document <- function(doxygen=file.exists("src")){