Police impressionnante en tant que jeu de formes personnalisées Photoshop


Chaque fois que je dois utiliser une police géniale dans Photoshop, je vais toujours copier une icône du site Web et la coller dans Photoshop. Je peux l'imprimer en pdf et le copier dans l'illustrateur en tant que vecteur mais je les veux en tant que jeu de formes personnalisées photoshop. J'ai copié du texte entier dans Photoshop mais j'ai besoin de diviser les calques en chaque icône de chaque calque et cela prendra beaucoup de temps. Comment puis-je les convertir tous en fichier .csh?



Cela pourrait être un bon moment pour introduire le script et l'écouteur de script dans votre ensemble d'outils. Bien qu'un plugin soit bien, vous pourriez avoir d'autres idées plus tard où cela pourrait vous aider. Voici donc mon script rapidement encombré. Pour utiliser cela, changez la partie configuration et placez-la dans un fichier jsx (puis faites glisser une goutte sur Photoshop par exemple):

// setup preferences
SIZE = UnitValue(24, "pt");
FONT = "Cambria";

doc = app.activeDocument;
for ( var i = 0; i < CHARS_TO_CONVERT.length; i++ ){
    var ch = CHARS_TO_CONVERT.charAt(i)
    var layer = doc.artLayers.add();
    layer.kind = LayerKind.TEXT;
    layer.textItem.contents = ch;
    layer.textItem.font = FONT;
    layer.textItem.size = SIZE;

function makeCustomShape(name){
// recorded with script listener will make currently active path a custiom shape 
// with a specified name
    var idMk = charIDToTypeID( "Mk  " );
        var desc29 = new ActionDescriptor();
        var idnull = charIDToTypeID( "null" );
            var ref13 = new ActionReference();
            var idcustomShape = stringIDToTypeID( "customShape" );
            ref13.putClass( idcustomShape );
        desc29.putReference( idnull, ref13 );
        var idUsng = charIDToTypeID( "Usng" );
            var ref14 = new ActionReference();
            var idPrpr = charIDToTypeID( "Prpr" );
            var idfsel = charIDToTypeID( "fsel" );
            ref14.putProperty( idPrpr, idfsel );
            var idDcmn = charIDToTypeID( "Dcmn" );
            var idOrdn = charIDToTypeID( "Ordn" );
            var idTrgt = charIDToTypeID( "Trgt" );
            ref14.putEnumerated( idDcmn, idOrdn, idTrgt );
        desc29.putReference( idUsng, ref14 );
        var idNm = charIDToTypeID( "Nm  " );
        desc29.putString( idNm, name );
    executeAction( idMk, desc29, DialogModes.NO );

C'est plus rapide que de faire les choses manuellement.

Et voici un pour le cas d'utilisation spécifique:

// setup preferences
SIZE = UnitValue(24, "pt");
FONT = "FontAwesome";
arr = [
"glass \uf000",
"music \uf001",
"search \uf002",
"envelope-o \uf003",
"heart \uf004",
"star \uf005",
"star-o \uf006",
"user \uf007",
"film \uf008",
"th-large \uf009",
"th \uf00a",
"th-list \uf00b",
"check \uf00c",
"times \uf00d",
"search-plus \uf00e",
"search-minus \uf010",
"power-off \uf011",
"signal \uf012",
"cog \uf013",
"trash-o \uf014",
"home \uf015",
"file-o \uf016",
"clock-o \uf017",
"road \uf018",
"download \uf019",
"arrow-circle-o-down \uf01a",
"arrow-circle-o-up \uf01b",
"inbox \uf01c",
"play-circle-o \uf01d",
"repeat \uf01e",
"refresh \uf021",
"list-alt \uf022",
"lock \uf023",
"flag \uf024",
"headphones \uf025",
"volume-off \uf026",
"volume-down \uf027",
"volume-up \uf028",
"qrcode \uf029",
"barcode \uf02a",
"tag \uf02b",
"tags \uf02c",
"book \uf02d",
"bookmark \uf02e",
"print \uf02f",
"camera \uf030",
"font \uf031",
"bold \uf032",
"italic \uf033",
"text-height \uf034",
"text-width \uf035",
"align-left \uf036",
"align-center \uf037",
"align-right \uf038",
"align-justify \uf039",
"list \uf03a",
"outdent \uf03b",
"indent \uf03c",
"video-camera \uf03d",
"picture-o \uf03e",
"pencil \uf040",
"map-marker \uf041",
"adjust \uf042",
"tint \uf043",
"pencil-square-o \uf044",
"share-square-o \uf045",
"check-square-o \uf046",
"arrows \uf047",
"step-backward \uf048",
"fast-backward \uf049",
"backward \uf04a",
"play \uf04b",
"pause \uf04c",
"stop \uf04d",
"forward \uf04e",
"fast-forward \uf050",
"step-forward \uf051",
"eject \uf052",
"chevron-left \uf053",
"chevron-right \uf054",
"plus-circle \uf055",
"minus-circle \uf056",
"times-circle \uf057",
"check-circle \uf058",
"question-circle \uf059",
"info-circle \uf05a",
"crosshairs \uf05b",
"times-circle-o \uf05c",
"check-circle-o \uf05d",
"ban \uf05e",
"arrow-left \uf060",
"arrow-right \uf061",
"arrow-up \uf062",
"arrow-down \uf063",
"share \uf064",
"expand \uf065",
"compress \uf066",
"plus \uf067",
"minus \uf068",
"asterisk \uf069",
"exclamation-circle \uf06a",
"gift \uf06b",
"leaf \uf06c",
"fire \uf06d",
"eye \uf06e",
"eye-slash \uf070",
"exclamation-triangle \uf071",
"plane \uf072",
"calendar \uf073",
"random \uf074",
"comment \uf075",
"magnet \uf076",
"chevron-up \uf077",
"chevron-down \uf078",
"retweet \uf079",
"shopping-cart \uf07a",
"folder \uf07b",
"folder-open \uf07c",
"arrows-v \uf07d",
"arrows-h \uf07e",
"bar-chart-o \uf080",
"twitter-square \uf081",
"facebook-square \uf082",
"camera-retro \uf083",
"key \uf084",
"cogs \uf085",
"comments \uf086",
"thumbs-o-up \uf087",
"thumbs-o-down \uf088",
"star-half \uf089",
"heart-o \uf08a",
"sign-out \uf08b",
"linkedin-square \uf08c",
"thumb-tack \uf08d",
"external-link \uf08e",
"sign-in \uf090",
"trophy \uf091",
"github-square \uf092",
"upload \uf093",
"lemon-o \uf094",
"phone \uf095",
"square-o \uf096",
"bookmark-o \uf097",
"phone-square \uf098",
"twitter \uf099",
"facebook \uf09a",
"github \uf09b",
"unlock \uf09c",
"credit-card \uf09d",
"rss \uf09e",
"hdd-o \uf0a0",
"bullhorn \uf0a1",
"bell \uf0f3",
"certificate \uf0a3",
"hand-o-right \uf0a4",
"hand-o-left \uf0a5",
"hand-o-up \uf0a6",
"hand-o-down \uf0a7",
"arrow-circle-left \uf0a8",
"arrow-circle-right \uf0a9",
"arrow-circle-up \uf0aa",
"arrow-circle-down \uf0ab",
"globe \uf0ac",
"wrench \uf0ad",
"tasks \uf0ae",
"filter \uf0b0",
"briefcase \uf0b1",
"arrows-alt \uf0b2",
"users \uf0c0",
"link \uf0c1",
"cloud \uf0c2",
"flask \uf0c3",
"scissors \uf0c4",
"files-o \uf0c5",
"paperclip \uf0c6",
"floppy-o \uf0c7",
"square \uf0c8",
"bars \uf0c9",
"list-ul \uf0ca",
"list-ol \uf0cb",
"strikethrough \uf0cc",
"underline \uf0cd",
"table \uf0ce",
"magic \uf0d0",
"truck \uf0d1",
"pinterest \uf0d2",
"pinterest-square \uf0d3",
"google-plus-square \uf0d4",
"google-plus \uf0d5",
"money \uf0d6",
"caret-down \uf0d7",
"caret-up \uf0d8",
"caret-left \uf0d9",
"caret-right \uf0da",
"columns \uf0db",
"sort \uf0dc",
"sort-asc \uf0dd",
"sort-desc \uf0de",
"envelope \uf0e0",
"linkedin \uf0e1",
"undo \uf0e2",
"gavel \uf0e3",
"tachometer \uf0e4",
"comment-o \uf0e5",
"comments-o \uf0e6",
"bolt \uf0e7",
"sitemap \uf0e8",
"umbrella \uf0e9",
"clipboard \uf0ea",
"lightbulb-o \uf0eb",
"exchange \uf0ec",
"cloud-download \uf0ed",
"cloud-upload \uf0ee",
"user-md \uf0f0",
"stethoscope \uf0f1",
"suitcase \uf0f2",
"bell-o \uf0a2",
"coffee \uf0f4",
"cutlery \uf0f5",
"file-text-o \uf0f6",
"building-o \uf0f7",
"hospital-o \uf0f8",
"ambulance \uf0f9",
"medkit \uf0fa",
"fighter-jet \uf0fb",
"beer \uf0fc",
"h-square \uf0fd",
"plus-square \uf0fe",
"angle-double-left \uf100",
"angle-double-right \uf101",
"angle-double-up \uf102",
"angle-double-down \uf103",
"angle-left \uf104",
"angle-right \uf105",
"angle-up \uf106",
"angle-down \uf107",
"desktop \uf108",
"laptop \uf109",
"tablet \uf10a",
"mobile \uf10b",
"circle-o \uf10c",
"quote-left \uf10d",
"quote-right \uf10e",
"spinner \uf110",
"circle \uf111",
"reply \uf112",
"github-alt \uf113",
"folder-o \uf114",
"folder-open-o \uf115",
"smile-o \uf118",
"frown-o \uf119",
"meh-o \uf11a",
"gamepad \uf11b",
"keyboard-o \uf11c",
"flag-o \uf11d",
"flag-checkered \uf11e",
"terminal \uf120",
"code \uf121",
"reply-all \uf122",
"mail-reply-all \uf122",
"star-half-o \uf123",
"location-arrow \uf124",
"crop \uf125",
"code-fork \uf126",
"chain-broken \uf127",
"question \uf128",
"info \uf129",
"exclamation \uf12a",
"superscript \uf12b",
"subscript \uf12c",
"eraser \uf12d",
"puzzle-piece \uf12e",
"microphone \uf130",
"microphone-slash \uf131",
"shield \uf132",
"calendar-o \uf133",
"fire-extinguisher \uf134",
"rocket \uf135",
"maxcdn \uf136",
"chevron-circle-left \uf137",
"chevron-circle-right \uf138",
"chevron-circle-up \uf139",
"chevron-circle-down \uf13a",
"html5 \uf13b",
"css3 \uf13c",
"anchor \uf13d",
"unlock-alt \uf13e",
"bullseye \uf140",
"ellipsis-h \uf141",
"ellipsis-v \uf142",
"rss-square \uf143",
"play-circle \uf144",
"ticket \uf145",
"minus-square \uf146",
"minus-square-o \uf147",
"level-up \uf148",
"level-down \uf149",
"check-square \uf14a",
"pencil-square \uf14b",
"external-link-square \uf14c",
"share-square \uf14d",
"compass \uf14e",
"caret-square-o-down \uf150",
"caret-square-o-up \uf151",
"caret-square-o-right \uf152",
"eur \uf153",
"gbp \uf154",
"usd \uf155",
"inr \uf156",
"jpy \uf157",
"rub \uf158",
"krw \uf159",
"btc \uf15a",
"file \uf15b",
"file-text \uf15c",
"sort-alpha-asc \uf15d",
"sort-alpha-desc \uf15e",
"sort-amount-asc \uf160",
"sort-amount-desc \uf161",
"sort-numeric-asc \uf162",
"sort-numeric-desc \uf163",
"thumbs-up \uf164",
"thumbs-down \uf165",
"youtube-square \uf166",
"youtube \uf167",
"xing \uf168",
"xing-square \uf169",
"youtube-play \uf16a",
"dropbox \uf16b",
"stack-overflow \uf16c",
"instagram \uf16d",
"flickr \uf16e",
"adn \uf170",
"bitbucket \uf171",
"bitbucket-square \uf172",
"tumblr \uf173",
"tumblr-square \uf174",
"long-arrow-down \uf175",
"long-arrow-up \uf176",
"long-arrow-left \uf177",
"long-arrow-right \uf178",
"apple \uf179",
"windows \uf17a",
"android \uf17b",
"linux \uf17c",
"dribbble \uf17d",
"skype \uf17e",
"foursquare \uf180",
"trello \uf181",
"female \uf182",
"male \uf183",
"gittip \uf184",
"sun-o \uf185",
"moon-o \uf186",
"archive \uf187",
"bug \uf188",
"vk \uf189",
"weibo \uf18a",
"renren \uf18b",
"pagelines \uf18c",
"stack-exchange \uf18d",
"arrow-circle-o-right \uf18e",
"arrow-circle-o-left \uf190",
"caret-square-o-left \uf191",
"dot-circle-o \uf192",
"wheelchair \uf193",
"vimeo-square \uf194",
"try \uf195",
"plus-square-o \uf196"

doc = app.activeDocument;
for ( var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++ ){
    var data = arr[i].split(" ")
    var layer = doc.artLayers.add();
    layer.kind = LayerKind.TEXT;
    layer.textItem.contents = data[1];
    layer.textItem.font = FONT;
    layer.textItem.size = SIZE;

function makeCustomShape(name){
// recorded with script listener will make currently active path a custiom shape 
// with a specified name
    var idMk = charIDToTypeID( "Mk  " );
        var desc29 = new ActionDescriptor();
        var idnull = charIDToTypeID( "null" );
            var ref13 = new ActionReference();
            var idcustomShape = stringIDToTypeID( "customShape" );
            ref13.putClass( idcustomShape );
        desc29.putReference( idnull, ref13 );
        var idUsng = charIDToTypeID( "Usng" );
            var ref14 = new ActionReference();
            var idPrpr = charIDToTypeID( "Prpr" );
            var idfsel = charIDToTypeID( "fsel" );
            ref14.putProperty( idPrpr, idfsel );
            var idDcmn = charIDToTypeID( "Dcmn" );
            var idOrdn = charIDToTypeID( "Ordn" );
            var idTrgt = charIDToTypeID( "Trgt" );
            ref14.putEnumerated( idDcmn, idOrdn, idTrgt );
        desc29.putReference( idUsng, ref14 );
        var idNm = charIDToTypeID( "Nm  " );
        desc29.putString( idNm, name );
    executeAction( idMk, desc29, DialogModes.NO );

C'est presque ce que je recherche! Mais FontAwesome utilise des caractères uniques pour chaque icône, pas des lettres comme "A, B ...". Comment puis-je l'écrire dans ce script?
Ferdi Çıldız

@ FerdiÇıldız J'ai ajouté un script modifié qui fait tout le sale boulot (parce que c'était facile, les caractères unicode peuvent être créés avec \ uCODE). Scalpé les noms et les codes forment la feuille de triche (donc la bibliothèque est agréable et bien rangée). Le processus prend un certain temps, alors faites une pause, n'oubliez pas d'enregistrer une fois que vous avez terminé. Achetez quelqu'un de la bière gratuite.

Impressionnant! C'est un travail parfait! Merci joojaa!
Ferdi Çıldız

Je l'ai converti en un fichier .csh, si vous le souhaitez, vous pouvez le télécharger ici: dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/8060862/fontawesome.csh
Ferdi Çıldız


Outre l'installation de la police de bureau Font Awesome et l'utilisation de la police Font Awesome Cheatsheet ( http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/cheatsheet/ ), il n'existe aucune méthode de travail conventionnelle pour la convertir directement en fichier .csh.

Le mieux que vous puissiez faire est de convertir manuellement les icônes à l'aide de la méthode Calque -> Type -> Convertir en forme.

Je connais cette méthode mais il y a beaucoup d'icônes, cela prendra très longtemps.
Ferdi Çıldız

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