Blogs et podcasts électroniques


Il existe d'excellents blogs pour les programmeurs (Joel on Software, Essays de Paul Graham, etc.). J'aimerais connaître tout contenu de qualité similaire pour l'électronique. Avez-vous de bons blogs ou podcasts que vous aimez?

(soumettez une réponse pour chaque blog)

@Endolith - Comments to that question now point out why it's not a dupe, and in any case, this question was started several months before the linked one. There's rarely a need to link dupes on both posts, just vote-to-close the newer post as a dupe of the older one. There are cases when the older question should be closed to leave the newer one, but those should be brought to Meta.
Kevin Vermeer

Also, you found this dupe this long after it left the front page. Close votes expire, so if you want to clean up older stuff, flag it or bring it to Meta.
Kevin Vermeer

@Kevin: Linked questions show up in the Linked section on the right, regardless, so it could be helpful to include it since they're related.

@endolith - Sure! It's definitely helpful. I was just trying to understand your reason for posting "dupe?" instead of "Related:"
Kevin Vermeer



ok I must break it to his fan base but my 6 year old neighbor girl could act much better than him. He seems so he is amazed by...I dont know...he is alive or whatever. But I could never take that guy seriously. Granted his material may be good (I would never know as he is unbearable) but hell he IS UNBEARABLE.

Dave is just enthusiastic, he loves electronics design at work and at home... and it comes through in his videos. I enjoy listening to them in the background whilst doing something else.

ok there is a difference between enthusiasm and plain old over acting. And his way of making the videos would put over actors to shame.

Absolutely, but at the end of the day Dave's an EE, not an actor. :)

Dave and I started a radio show together. We'll have a name for it soon!…
Chris Gammell


I'm surprised that nobody mentioned The Fat Man and Circuit Girl:

I'd say it's more along the lines of Joel on Software, where they're really sharing a lot of information on things they've tried and how it's worked out, but the community goes above and beyond. It's a very entertaining and educational group.

Doesn't seem to work anymore? Just a landing page now...
John Bubriski


I'm enjoying The Amp Hour Podcast

From Dave Jones (EEVBlog) and Chris Gammell

listening to it now - it's great! Love the banter, it's especially funny when Dave tries to get Chris to say solder properly! [sorry Dave - "soder" is definitely wrong :)] Dave's random swearing and outbursts are a refreshing change to the usual grey drabness found in tech land


Fireflies! Wow! I think I'm going to need a large number of chips and an equal number of ping-pong balls. (If you don't know what I'm talking about follow the link and look at the videos of synchronising 64 Fireflies)

Yeah, some kind lately soldered up 64 of them. Don't know if he is already finished ;)
Interactive Matter


I feel a little self-serving by adding this one, but I write it and I do try to mostly put in useful information without too much commercial type content. It's predominantly about how to avoid common design and layout things that trip a lot of people up when they get to the point of building a board.


If you've ever wanted to build your own Synth:

Music From Outer Space

Check out the Virtual Breadboard Designer under the Electronic Bubblegum section if nothing else.


I have collected many blogs about electronics over the three years and I have made an aggregated list of RSS feeds available through Google Reader. Most of the blogs in this list are already mentioned here here but you might encounter some less familiar ones. I have also linked this feed to a twitter account.

Brilliant, thanks for this, I've just Bookmarked it.


The site has a lot of circuits in portuguese, but with the Language Tool box it can be translated into english (or other languages). Try it.


The Ben Heck show has turned out to be a really great show about hacking electronics. He digs into existing electronics and mods them for different purposes.

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