Trouver l'angle entre deux points


Étant donné deux points Aet B, trouvez l'angle d'une ligne AOà l'autre BOautour du point Ooù se Otrouve l'origine ( (0,0)). De plus, l'angle peut être positif ou négatif selon la position des points (voir exemples). L'entrée sera des points Aet B, et peut être donnée sous n'importe quelle forme pratique. La sortie sera l'angle en degrés (mais elle est positive si elle AOest tournée dans le sens antihoraire autour de l'origine pour obtenir BOet négative si elle est tournée dans le sens horaire). Si l'angle est de 180 degrés, vous pouvez renvoyer une sortie négative ou positive. De même, l'angle peut être la version positive ou négative du même angle ( 90 degest égal à -270 deg). Exemples:

  • Entrée: A(5,5) B(5,-5)Sortie: -90( AOest tourné -90degrés pour obtenir BO).

  • Entrée: A(5,-5) B(5,5)Sortie: 90( AOest tourné 90degrés pour obtenir BO).

C'est le , donc le code le plus court en octets gagne!

Quelle précision faut-il?
Reto Koradi du

Pouvons-nous prendre l'entrée comme deux nombres complexes?

Quelle devrait être la sortie si un point est (0,0)?

@ThomasKwa Je ne connais pas l'OP, mais je l'ai traité uniquement comme une entrée de nombre entier / décimal, et l'entrée n'aurait jamais de point (0,0).

Astuce: L'angle entre AOet BOserait généralement appelé angle AOB.
ETHproductions du



Pyth, 11 octets



L'entrée est donnée au format:

[[Bx, By], [Ax, Ay]]

Si l'on souhaite que A vienne en premier, cela peut être modifié pour 1 octet.


               Implicit: Q = eval(input())
      .jMQ     Convert input pairs to complex numbers.
    PM         Take their phases (angles in the complex plane).
  -F           Take the difference.
.t        6    Convert to degrees


TI-BASIC, 13 octets

Pour les calculatrices de la série TI-83 + / 84 +.

Input Y

Pour utiliser ce programme, entrez la liste {x1,x2}via la variable Ans et {y1,y2}à l'invite.

Une commande TI-BASIC est-elle un seul octet?

Toutes les commandes ici, sauf ΔList(, sont un octet chacune. Cela comprend R►Pθ(.

+1 juste pour utiliser la programmation de la calculatrice. Me ramène à Trig and Calculus dans mes jours de lycée.
вʀaᴎᴅᴏƞ вєнᴎєƞ

Belle référence! Super cool.


CJam, 14 octets


Il s'agit d'un programme complet qui lit l'entrée à [[Ax Ay] [Bx By]]partir de STDIN.

Essayez-le en ligne dans l' interpréteur CJam .

Comment ça fonctionne

q~             e# Read and evaluate all input.
  ::ma         e# Replace each point (x, y) with atan2(x, y).
               e# This returns its angle with the positive y axis, measured clockwise.
      :-       e# Compute the difference of the two resulting angles.
               e# This returns the angle between the points, measured counter-clockwise.
        P/180* e# Divide by Pi and multiply by 180 to convert to degrees.

Amusant que près de la moitié de ce programme ne fait que convertir des radians en degrés ...
Darrel Hoffman

@DarrelHoffman Je trouve encore plus amusant qu'en Pyth la conversion soit de 3 octets au lieu de 6, donc si le défi permettait de rapporter en radians les langues seraient liées


Minkolang 0.9 , 112 octets

I really want to implement trig functions as built-ins now...but this was fun! (Caveat: this outputs the positive angle difference, not the signed angle difference. Given my limitations, I think that's justified.)


Try it here.


Je posterai une explication plus complète si quelqu'un le veut, mais l'essentiel est:

4[n]                                    Take in 4 integers from input
0c2c*1c3c*+                             dot product
r4[2;1R]r+1R+0g*12$:;                   magnitudes of vectors
$:                                      dot product divided by magnitudes (z)
8[0ci2*3+d1R;0g$:1i1+             *]    Taylor series for arccos
                     [i2*1+d1+$:*]      In particular, the coefficient (1/2 * 3/4 * ...)
$+                                      Add them all up!
'3.141592654'25*9;$:$:                  Divide by pi for converting to degrees
12$:r-                                  Subtract from 1/2 - I now have arccos(z)
66*5**                                  Convert to degrees
N.                                      Output as number and stop.

Does minkolang support comments? I couldn't find it on the readme.
Conor O'Brien

@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ: It's just like other 2D languages - comments are whatever isn't reached by the program counter.
El'endia Starman

Oh, okay, then. That makes sense, dunno what I was thinking.
Conor O'Brien

@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ: Your explicit use of comments in one of your answers makes me consider implementing similar functionality though. It's a neat idea and wouldn't be terribly hard for me to implement.
El'endia Starman

Thanks! :D Was it the Hello World challenge that you noticed the comments in (FYI the interpreter I have made for Simplex runs in different "modes": string mode and comment mode. It makes it really easy to parse and allows you to ignore signal characters of one mode whilst in the other.)
Conor O'Brien


Mathematica, 22 bytes



In[1]:= {-1,1.}.ArcTan@@@#/°&[{{5,5},{5,-5}}]

Out[1]= -90.

In[2]:= {-1,1.}.ArcTan@@@#/°&[{{5,-5},{5,5}}]

Out[2]= 90.

Will this work for inputs like {{0,1},{1,0}}

@ThomasKwa Of course it will.


Javascript, 66 bytes

let f=(a,b)=>(Math.atan2(b.y,b.x)-Math.atan2(a.y,a.x))*180/Math.PI;


23 seconds before me =P Nice golf though! Btw, you can omit the let f=, and it's still considered valid as an anonymous function.


Julia, 18 25 bytes


This assumes that "any convenient form" already allows for A and B to be given as complex numbers. Then, the complex number arithmetic does all the heavy lifting.

Edit: converted snippet to function. 18 byte version only works in the Julia REPL.


Python 2.7, 73 Bytes

from math import*
f=lambda A,B:degrees(atan2(B[1],B[0])-atan2(A[1],A[0]))


f((5,5),(5,-5)) #-90.0
f((5,-5),(5,5)) #90.0

Welcome to PPCG! This is code-golf, so you should try to remove as many spaces as you can and shorten your code.

You can make your code shorter by recklessly adding some *s all over the place


Octave, 43 bytes



octave:40> f([5,5],[5,-5])
ans = -90

octave:41> f([1,0],[0,1])
ans = 90


CJam, 15 bytes


Thought I'll get in the CJam game as well. Try it online. Input is in form of bx by ax ay. Unfortunately, this is the shortest method of doing this challenge without copying Dennis' answer.


TeaScript, 28 bytes

I really should of implemented trig functions...


Try it online input is a.x a.y b.x b.y


$.atan2(       // Arc Tangent of...
    _[3] - y,  // 4th input - 2nd input
       z - x,  // 3rd input - 1st input
) * 180 / $.PI // Converts rad -> deg


Ruby, 64, 58 bytes


Usage [[5, 5], [5, -5]] # => -90.0 [[5, -5], [5, 5]] # => 90.0


JavaScript, 49 bytes


Input is taken in form: [aY, aX], [bY, bX] (notice the reversed x/y)


Simplex v.0.7, 13 bytes

I'm glad I added mathrelations :D Unfortunately, I cannot take pointwise input. So, I input each point as a separate number (Ax, Ay, Bx, By). (I used this as a resource.)

(       )2    ~~ repeat inner twice
 iRi          ~~ take two chars of input (x,y)
    ~         ~~ switch top 2 on stack
     ^f       ~~ apply atan2 on (y,x)
       R      ~~ go right
          L   ~~ go left
           S  ~~ subtract result
            o ~~ output as number

I can save a char if I can take input as (Ay, Ax, By, Bx):



C, 88 bytes

typedef double d;d g(d x,d y,d a,d b){return atan2(b-y,a-x)*180/M_PI;}

Requires compiling with GCC to take advantage of M_PI being defined in math.h as a part of GCC's built-in math constants. Try it online - since ideone doesn't use GCC (apparently), an additional few bytes are needed for enough digits of π to be accurate.

Or 45/atan(1) instead of 180/3.14159.... (in the online demo).

@CompuChip I wasn't trying to make the online demo maximally golfed

You can remove the brackets round atan2(b-y,a-x), although you then need a space after return so it only saves 1 byte. If you can use K&R style functions then double g(x,y,a,b)double x,y,a,b; also saves six bytes.
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