Le grand gâteau britannique


J'ai entendu dire que quelqu'un était très égoïste le jour de son anniversaire, exigeant du gâteau de tout le monde et il n'était pas prévu de le partager! 🎂

C'est forcément l'anniversaire de quelqu'un aujourd'hui, alors pourquoi ne pas lui faire un gâteau. Utilisez votre langage de programmation préféré pour faire un délicieux gâteau, avec un joli message "Joyeux anniversaire" en sortie. (Puis-je suggérer le chef !)

Votre gâteau devrait

  • Imitez une recette du monde réel (si vous pouvez y créer un lien, génial!)
    • une liste d'ingrédients séparés par des sauts de ligne appropriés pour faire un gâteau
    • une liste d'étapes séparées par une nouvelle ligne pour la méthode
    • combien de personnes il sert
  • Restez aussi près que possible des bons ratios d'ingrédients.
  • Sortie au minimum "Joyeux anniversaire" lorsqu'il est servi.

Les meilleurs gâteaux seront:

  • Délicieux - puisqu'il s'agit d'un , la communauté décidera de ce qui est délicieux
  • Personnalisé - essayez de préparer un message de joyeux anniversaire personnalisé à quelqu'un de spécifique. (Si vous ne trouvez pas un utilisateur PPGC, pourquoi pas une célébrité?)
  • Équilibré - Essayez d'utiliser un nombre approprié d'ingrédients pour la quantité de portions préparée par la recette. 1000 eggs, serves 1pour une portion est probablement juste un peu gros , énorme ,

    absolument colossal!

  • Outlandish - Vous pouvez faire cuire plus qu'une simple éponge de base, par exemple, inclure du glaçage, un filet, servir avec de la sauce, des décorations, etc.
  • Visuellement attrayant - les images sont bonnes dans le code source comme ascii ou dans la sortie. Le premier "octet" est après tout avec les yeux.

Et n'oubliez pas, les bons boulangers ne coupent pas les coins et ne font pas les choses correctement. ( Ne vous contentez pas d'utiliser du code sans opération pour le faire ressembler à une recette, puis imprimez-le, assurez-vous que votre code signifie quelque chose ) J'encourage les électeurs à voir ces recettes de manière négative.

Bonne cuisson!

entrez la description de l'image ici

Hé, pour ma défense, je pensais que vous alliez tous m'en acheter!
Beta Decay

Nah ça va, je plaisante;)
Beta Decay

Peut-être aurait-il dû également être sournois ?

@close voter: J'énumère 3 critères auxquels tous les programmes doivent répondre et 6 critères que les «juges» peuvent utiliser pour voter pour les gâteaux. Qu'est-ce que je rate?
James Webster



ECMAScript 2015, sert 10

Don  =([_])=> alert(_.replace(/^.*(?=, )/,'Happy Birthday'))

ReadMoreAbout  =classic=  victoria  =sandwich=  on  =bbcgoodfood=      ~`

⚠  Remember that OCR technologies aren't perfect, and that scanning old,
⚠  smudgy recipes does not always go as smoothly as we'd expect or hope.
⚠  This recipe is not wonderful, but please, thoroughly enjoy making it.


try/* to do this properly! */{
  // Link to recipe:
  'Makes 10 slices'

      - 200 | grammes | castorSugar
      - 200 | grammes | softenedButter
      -   4 | whole   | eggs
      - 200 | grammes | self-raising_flour
      -   1 | tsp     | bakingPowder
      -   2 | tbsp    | milk

      -  100 | grammes | butter, softened
      -  140 | grammes | icing.sugar, sifted
      -    a | drop    | vanilla- extract (optional)
      -  240 | grammes | jar.good-quality_strawberryJam
      -                  icingSugar, to.decorate

    1. ^`Heat oven to 190C/fan 170C/gas 5. Butter two 20cm sandwich tins
         and line with non-stick baking paper. In a large bowl,
         beat all the cake ingredients together until you have a smooth, soft batter.`
    2. ^`Divide the mixture between the tins, smooth the surface with a spatula
         or the back of a spoon, then bake for about 20 mins until golden
         and the cake springs back when pressed. Turn onto a cooling rack
         and leave to cool completely.`
    3. ^`To make the filling, beat the butter until smooth and creamy,
         then gradually beat in icing sugar. Beat in vanilla extract if you’re
         using it. Spread the butter cream over the bottom of one of the sponges,
         top it with jam and sandwich the second sponge on top.
         Dust with a little icing sugar before serving.
         Keep in an airtight container and eat within 2 days.`

  * HappyBirthdayǃ
} catch (cake) {
  Don`t drop that! It's your cake, Uncle Chris! This cake is one day late – sorry about that.

Code ES6 valide; pas de coins coupés!

Il fonctionne dans Firefox Developer Edition.

C'est tout le code valide; la tryseule sert à capturer la ReferenceErrorcause des variables non définies.

Ceci est une bonne réponse. C'est ce que je cherchais. 😆
James Webster

Clairement, ⚠ devrait devenir un caractère de commentaire valide dans ECMAScript 7.

@immibis Oui, certainement :-)
Brosse à dents



Inspiré par la réponse de mbomb007, je leur ai fait un gâteau.

J'ai peur d'avoir perdu la recette (c'est quelque part par ici, mais je devrais probablement enfreindre mes propres règles pour couper les coins ronds pour la poster); Voici le produit fini.

               )                    )             (
                       )           (o)    )
               (      (o)    )     ,|,            )
              (o)     ,|,          |~\    (      (o)
              ,|,     |~\    (     \ |   (o)     ,|,
              \~|     \ |----(o)->++|+\<]>,|,     |+.
              |`\-----|`\@@@-|-@@@@\.-@@@\~|[++>-\ |-
             -\-|-o@@@\ |@@@<]>@@@@|.\@@@|.\@@@o+|+\++
       º# ::%::%%%%%%:::::::::::::::::::::::::%%%%%::%::##º
     º### ::::::%%:::%:%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%:%:::%%::::: ###º
   º##### ::::::%:::::%%::::::%%%%:::::%%::::%:::::::::: #####º
  º###### `:::::::::::%:::::::%:::::::::%::::%:::::::::' ######º
 º########  ``::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::''  #########º
  º##########   ```::::::::::::::::::::::::::'''   ###########º'
    `º#########-[---->+<]>++.[-->+++<]>..+++++++. ###########º'
      ` º#################################################º '
          ` º#######################################º '
             ` º#################################º '
                   ` º######################º '

Les sorties:

happy birthday 007

Cela fonctionne donc très bien pour James Bond, mais pas avant le 11 novembre.

Woah ........... sympa!

Est-ce propre Brainfuck? Cela ne semble pas fonctionner pour moi ...


Python 2, sert 0

Tout d'abord, désolé, ce n'est pas un VRAI gâteau du monde.

Cependant, c'est dans l'un des meilleurs jeux de tous les temps, Portal.

Cette recette est basée sur ce que l' Intelligence Core dit être les ingrédients.

""" Happy Birthday, Chell!
* * * * * * * * * * * """
# Here are all the ingrediants for portal cake
candles = 1 # There is most certainly only one candle for her.
fish_shaped_dirt = 32 # There isn't an official amount of dirt to add, 32 seems like a nice number.

#Full of lies
lie = float('inf')

serves = None

# Show the tester the documentation on how to use this
print __doc__,

# Now, we are going to repeat these steps until chell stops lying.
while lie:
    # She did it again, so now we need to do the whole thing once more.
    print "\r",
    # Check how many candles her cake will have
    if candles:
        # We had better take them away from her. Maybe it will stop her lying so much
        candles = 0
        # Maybe if we give her a candle, she will listen
        candles = 1
    # See, her chances of lying go down when we give her candles!
    lie -= candles
    # Add the fish shaped dirt. But ONLY if we're giving her a candle.
    print chr(fish_shaped_dirt)*candles,
    # Add all the other rubbish
    print __doc__[25:],
    #Flush it into the relaxation vault
    import sys
    # Wait and ask her if she liked it.
    import time


 Happy Birthday, Chell!
 * * * * * * * * * * *

Suivi par

 Happy Birthday, Chell!
  * * * * * * * * * * *

Répète ensuite indéfiniment

Le gateau est un mensonge.

Je veux voter parce que j'aime Portal, mais selon mes propres critères, je ne peux pas! Même si je pouvais manger un gâteau qui n'était pas un mensonge, il aurait un goût horrible. La saleté ne fait pas bon manger!
James Webster

Ceci est un triomphe.

Vous n'avez même pas utilisé les meilleurs ingrédients. 1 rhuBARB en feu, des craquelins en forme de poisson, un livre sur la façon de tuer quelqu'un à mains nues, etc.

Il sert 0. Vous ne pouvez jamais en faire assez pour faire une portion. Par conséquent, vous devrez me écouter quand je dis cela , il goûte grand


Brainf ***

J'aime le gâteau à la crème glacée, qui ne nécessite pas de cuisson. De plus, c'est mon anniversaire, alors ne me dites pas quel genre de gâteau je peux avoir.

Buy an ice cream cake:
    +   +   +    +   +   +
    |   |   |    |   |   |
then serve it.

J'aime prétendre que ce >+<]>sont des crackers en forme de poisson.

Je pense que cela vaut un +1 pour correspondre aux 4/5 "meilleurs gâteaux". Je vais vous donner le vote, mais certainement cut cornersen achetant simplement le gâteau. 😞
James Webster

J'aurais aussi pu le personnaliser, mais cela rendrait le gâteau deux fois plus gros. Cela n'avait pas l'air aussi génial.

Je tente actuellement de rendre le gâteau plus extravagant: P
James Webster

@mikeTheLiar Je suppose que vous n'avez pas joué à Portal ou lu la recette récemment? Lisez-le à nouveau: theportalwiki.com/wiki/Core_voice_lines#Cake_core


Pip , sert 2

Pour ceux d'entre nous dont les goûts d'anniversaire sont un peu plus globaux ...

Our dessert tonight: " Birthday " Dosa!
(adapted from vegrecipesofindia.com/masala-dosa-recipe-how-to-make-masala-dosa-recipe)

1 cup rice: ("mmm, rice")
1 cup ukda chawal: [don't know what that is but it sounds good]
1/2 cup urad dal: ["dal" means lentils in Hindi]
1/4 cup poha: ["poha" is another kind of rice]
1/4 tsp methi seeds: ("!")
salt to taste: ["Happy" time]
water as needed: [you'll need some water]

Are you ready to cook? Yes? OK then:

1. rinse the rice and urad dal separately first.:
2. soak the ukda chawal, rice and poha.
3. in another bowl soak the urad dal-methi in enough water.
4. grind the urad dal with methi to a fine and fluffy batter.
5. grind the rice and poha to a smooth batter.
6. mix both the rice and urad dal batter with salt.
7. cover and let the batter ferment for 8-9 hours.

is it Ready? Y(es) or N(o)

Answer should be: y.
    take batter out and:

1. heat a flat cast-iron griddle and smear some oil on it.
3. spread the dosa batter in a circular way on the griddle; add some oil on top.
4. flip and cook the other side.
5. serve dosa hot with coconut chutney and sambar. (yum)

Recipe serves ___:
           `(?<=2) ?`
Actually, it serves exactly 2--half feR "ME" and half feR:_" YOU"!
Yeah! Happy birthday  !


Happy Birthday 2 YOU!

ou, si vous le faites cuire:

Dosa anniversaire

Maintenant j'ai faim.

Dosa dans un défi lié à la cuisine? Cela semble familier ... ;-)
Tim Pederick

+1 pour "Maintenant, j'ai faim." Merci beaucoup, j'ai faim maintenant aussi.

Pour mémoire, je n'ai aucune idée de ce qu'est l'ukda chawal.
Alex A.


Chef, 16 personnes.

Basé sur cela . Je n'ai pas pu trouver d'interprète en ligne, j'ai donc suivi de près les spécifications trouvées ici .

Version "golfée"

"Happy" Birthday Cake.

This recipe was recovered from an *erm* ANCIENT cave, in which the culture consumed enormous amounts of eggs and water, and did so through their caves. Modern ingredients have been added in an endevour to make the cake better.

48 teaspoons 2% milk
1 cup butter
1 l semisweet chocolate
73 eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 cup sugar
1 teaspoon baking soda
5 teaspoons salt
24 g happiness
3 teaspoons water
8 ml corn starch
32 g space

Cooking time: 25 minutes.

Pre-heat oven to 162 degrees Celsius.

Put 2% milk into the mixing bowl. Add happiness to the mixing bowl. Put eggs into the mixing bowl. Add happiness to the mixing bowl. Put vanilla extract into the mixing bowl. Combine vanilla extract into the mixing bowl. Combine vanilla extract into the mixing bowl. Combine salt into mixing bowl. Add happiness to the mixing bowl. Add corn starch to the mixing bowl. Put vanilla extract into the mixing bowl. Combine vanilla extract into the mixing bowl. Combine vanilla extract into the mixing bowl. Combine salt into mixing bowl. Add happiness to the mixing bowl. Add corn starch to the mixing bowl. Put 2% milk into the mixing bowl. Add happiness to the mixing bowl. Add happiness to the mixing bowl. Add happiness to the mixing bowl. Add sugar to the mixing bowl. Put space into mixing bowl. Put happiness into the mixing bowl. Remove water from the mixing bowl. Combine vanilla extract into the mixing bowl. Add happiness to the mixing bowl. Put vanilla extract into the mixing bowl. Combine vanilla extract into the mixing bowl. Combine vanilla extract into the mixing bowl. Combine salt into mixing bowl. Add butter to the mixing bowl. Add happiness to the mixing bowl. Put space into the mixing bowl. Combine water into the mixing bowl. Remove water from mixing bowl. Remove water from mixing bowl. Add happiness to the bowl. Put space into the mixing bowl. Combine water into the mixing bowl. Remove water from mixing bowl. Remove semisweet chocolate from mixing bowl. Add happiness to the bowl. Put vanilla extract into the mixing bowl. Combine vanilla extract into the mixing bowl. Combine vanilla extract into the mixing bowl. Combine salt into mixing bowl. Add happiness to the bowl. Put 2% milk into the mixing bowl. Add happiness to the mixing bowl. Add happiness to the mixing bowl. Add sugar to the mixing bowl. Put eggs into the mixing bowl. Add happiness to the mixing bowl. Put eggs in mixing bowl. Add happiness to the mixing bowl. Add happiness to the mixing bowl. Put happiness into the mixing bowl. Put happiness into the mixing bowl. Remove sugar from the bowl. Remove baking soda from the bowl. Put space into mixing bowl. Put vanilla extract into the mixing bowl. Combine vanilla extract into the mixing bowl. Combine vanilla extract into the mixing bowl. Combine salt into mixing bowl. Add happiness to the mixing bowl. Add salt to the mixing bowl. Put eggs into the mixing bowl. Add happiness to the mixing bowl. Add butter to the mixing bowl. Add water to the mixing bowl. Put space into the mixing bowl. Add baking soda to the mixing bowl. Liquefy contents of the mixing bowl. Serves 16.

Sortie: Happy Birthday, me!.

Voici l'explication de chaque étape:

"Happy" Birthday Cake.

This recipe was recovered from an *erm* ANCIENT cave, in which the culture consumed enormous amounts of eggs and water, and did so through their caves. Modern ingredients have been added in an endevour to make the cake better.

48 teaspoons 2% milk
1 cup butter
1 l semisweet chocolate
73 eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 cup sugar
1 teaspoon baking soda
5 teaspoons salt
24 g happiness
3 teaspoons water
8 ml corn starch
32 g space

Cooking time: 25 minutes.

Pre-heat oven to 162 degrees Celsius.


Put 2% milk into the mixing bowl.               48
Add happiness to the mixing bowl.                +24= 72 (H)

Put eggs into the mixing bowl.                  73
Add happiness to the mixing bowl.                +24= 97 (a)

Put vanilla extract into the mixing bowl.       2
Combine vanilla extract into the mixing bowl.   *2 = 4
Combine vanilla extract into the mixing bowl.   *2 = 16
Combine salt into mixing bowl.                  *5 = 80
Add happiness to the mixing bowl.                +24=104
Add corn starch to the mixing bowl.             +8 =112 (p)

Put vanilla extract into the mixing bowl.       2
Combine vanilla extract into the mixing bowl.   *2 = 4
Combine vanilla extract into the mixing bowl.   *2 = 16
Combine salt into mixing bowl.                  *5 = 80
Add happiness to the mixing bowl.                +24=104
Add corn starch to the mixing bowl.             +8 =112 (p)

Put 2% milk into the mixing bowl.               48
Add happiness to the mixing bowl.                +24= 72
Add happiness to the mixing bowl.                +24= 96
Add happiness to the mixing bowl.                +24=120
Add sugar to the mixing bowl.                   +1 =121 (y)

Put space into mixing bowl.                     32      ( )

Put happiness into the mixing bowl.              24
Remove water from the mixing bowl.              -3 = 21
Combine vanilla extract into the mixing bowl.   *2 = 42
Add happiness to the mixing bowl.                +24= 66 (B)
Put vanilla extract into the mixing bowl.       2
Combine vanilla extract into the mixing bowl.   *2 = 4
Combine vanilla extract into the mixing bowl.   *2 = 16
Combine salt into mixing bowl.                  *5 = 80
Add butter to the mixing bowl.                  +1 = 81
Add happiness to the mixing bowl.                +24= 95 (i)

Put space into the mixing bowl.                 32
Combine water into the mixing bowl.             *3 = 96
Remove water from mixing bowl.                  -3 = 93
Remove water from mixing bowl.                  -3 = 90
Add happiness to the bowl.                      +24=114 (r)

Put space into the mixing bowl.                 32
Combine water into the mixing bowl.             *3 = 96
Remove water from mixing bowl.                  -3 = 93
Remove semisweet chocolate from mixing bowl.    -1 = 92
Add happiness to the bowl.                      +24=116 (t)

Put vanilla extract into the mixing bowl.       2
Combine vanilla extract into the mixing bowl.   *2 = 4
Combine vanilla extract into the mixing bowl.   *2 = 16
Combine salt into mixing bowl.                  *5 = 80
Add happiness to the bowl.                       +24=104 (h)

Put 2% milk into the mixing bowl.               48
Add happiness to the mixing bowl.                +24= 72
Add happiness to the mixing bowl.                +24= 96
Add sugar to the mixing bowl.                   +1 = 97 (d)

Put eggs into the mixing bowl.                  73
Add happiness to the mixing bowl.                +24= 97 (a)

Put eggs in mixing bowl.                        73
Add happiness to the mixing bowl.                +24 = 97
Add happiness to the mixing bowl.                +24 =121(y)

Put happiness into the mixing bowl.              24
Put happiness into the mixing bowl.              +24= 48
Remove sugar from the bowl.                     -3 = 45
Remove baking soda from the bowl.               -1 = 44 (,)

Put space into mixing bowl.                     32      ( )

Put vanilla extract into the mixing bowl.       2
Combine vanilla extract into the mixing bowl.   *2 = 4
Combine vanilla extract into the mixing bowl.   *2 = 16
Combine salt into mixing bowl.                  *5 = 80
Add happiness to the mixing bowl.                +24=104
Add salt to the mixing bowl.                    +5 =109 (m)

Put eggs into the mixing bowl.                  73
Add happiness to the mixing bowl.                +24=97
Add butter to the mixing bowl.                  +1 =98
Add water to the mixing bowl.                   +3 =101 (e)

Put space into the mixing bowl.                 32
Add baking soda to the mixing bowl.             +1 = 33 (!)

Liquefy contents of the mixing bowl.            Converts the mixing bowl to characters

Serves 16.                                      Outputs the contents of the first
                                                16 bowls.

N'est-ce pas orthographié «bonheur» ou les noms doivent-ils être d'une manière spécifique?

Désolé, a écrit dans mon clavier. J'ai oublié que j'avais désactivé la correction automatique.
Conor O'Brien

Je n'ai pas encore exécuté cela, mais je pense que vous avez tout dans 1 bol à mélanger, puis essayez de sortir 16.
James Webster

@JamesWebster La spécification indique que la Serves Ndéclaration renvoie tous les ingrédients dans chaque bol de 1 à N.
Conor O'Brien

Oui, mais tu n'as utilisé qu'un seul bol. Les bols 2 à 15 sont vides / n'existent pas.
James Webster du
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