PHP - 2 580 210 indices
Cela supprime d'abord la dernière ligne et colonne, et le coin inférieur droit de chaque boîte. Il essaie ensuite d'effacer chaque cellule, en exécutant la carte à travers un simple solveur après chaque changement pour garantir que la carte est toujours résolue sans ambiguïté.
Une grande partie du code ci-dessous a été modifié à partir de l' une de mes anciennes réponses . printBoard
utilise 0 pour les cellules vides.
// checks each row/col/block and removes impossible candidates
function reduce($cand){
$old = $cand;
for($r = 0; $r < 9; ++$r){
for($c = 0; $c < 9; ++$c){
if(count($cand[$r][$c]) == 1){ // if filled in
// remove values from row and col and block
$remove = $cand[$r][$c];
for($i = 0; $i < 9; ++$i){
$cand[$r][$i] = array_diff($cand[$r][$i],$remove);
$cand[$i][$c] = array_diff($cand[$i][$c],$remove);
$br = floor($r/3)*3+$i/3;
$bc = floor($c/3)*3+$i%3;
$cand[$br][$bc] = array_diff($cand[$br][$bc],$remove);
$cand[$r][$c] = $remove;
}while($old != $cand);
return $cand;
// checks candidate list for completion
function done($cand){
for($r = 0; $r < 9; ++$r){
for($c = 0; $c < 9; ++$c){
if(count($cand[$r][$c]) != 1)
return false;
return true;
// board format: [[1,2,0,3,..],[..],..], $b[$row][$col]
function solve($board){
$cand = [[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[]];
for($r = 0; $r < 9; ++$r){
for($c = 0; $c < 9; ++$c){
if($board[$r][$c]){ // if filled in
$cand[$r][$c] = [$board[$r][$c]];
$cand[$r][$c] = range(1, 9);
$cand = reduce($cand);
if(done($cand)) // goto not really necessary
goto end; // but it feels good to use it
else return false;
// back to board format
$b = [];
for($r = 0; $r < 9; ++$r){
$b[$r] = [];
for($c = 0; $c < 9; ++$c){
if(count($cand[$r][$c]) == 1)
$b[$r][$c] = array_pop($cand[$r][$c]);
$b[$r][$c] = 0;
return $b;
function add_zeros($board, $ind){
for($r = 0; $r < 9; ++$r){
for($c = 0; $c < 9; ++$c){
$R = ($r + (int)($ind/9)) % 9;
$C = ($c + (int)($ind%9)) % 9;
$tmp = $board[$R][$C];
$board[$R][$C] = 0;
$board[$R][$C] = $tmp;
return $board;
function generate($board, $ind){
// remove last row+col
$board[8] = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0];
foreach($board as &$j) $j[8] = 0;
// remove bottom corner of each box
$board[2][2] = $board[2][5] = $board[5][2] = $board[5][5] = 0;
$board = add_zeros($board, $ind);
return $board;
function countClues($board){
$str = implode(array_map('implode', $board));
return 81 - substr_count($str, '0');
function generateBoard($board){
return generate($board, 0);
function printBoard($board){
for($i = 0; $i < 9; ++$i){
echo implode(' ', $board[$i]) . PHP_EOL;
function readBoard($str){
$tmp = str_split($str, 9);
$board = [];
for($i = 0; $i < 9; ++$i)
$board[] = str_split($tmp[$i], 1);
return $board;
// testing
$n = 0;
$f = fopen('ppcg_sudoku_testing.txt', 'r');
while(($l = fgets($f)) !== false){
$board = readBoard(trim($l));
$n += countClues(generateBoard($board));
echo $n;