Je génère un chemin dynamique pour minimiser les changements de couleur lors du voyage du serpent. Voici quelques images:
tolérance = 0,01
Chemins de couleurs cycliques pour les images ci-dessus (du bleu au rouge, devenant plus vertes à mesure qu'elles se répètent):
Le chemin est généré en commençant par un chemin initial, puis en y ajoutant des boucles 2x2 jusqu'à ce que l'image soit remplie. L'avantage de cette méthode est que les boucles peuvent être ajoutées n'importe où sur le chemin, vous ne pouvez donc pas vous peindre dans un coin et avoir plus de liberté pour construire le chemin que vous voulez. Je garde une trace des boucles possibles adjacentes au chemin actuel et les stocke dans un tas, pondéré par le changement de couleur le long de la boucle. Je saute ensuite la boucle avec le moins de changement de couleur et l'ajoute au chemin, et je répète jusqu'à ce que l'image soit remplie.
En fait, je fais le suivi des boucles seules («DetourBlock» dans le code), puis je reconstruis le chemin; c'était une erreur car il y a des cas spéciaux pour la largeur / hauteur impaire et j'ai passé plusieurs heures à déboguer la méthode de reconstruction. Tant pis.
La métrique de génération de chemin doit être ajustée et j'ai également une idée pour une meilleure colorisation, mais je pensais que je sortirais cela en premier car cela fonctionne assez bien. À l'exception de celui-ci, qui semble meilleur dans certains des chemins fixes:
Voici le code Python, avec des excuses pour mes habitudes de codage atroces:
# Image library: Pillow
# Would like to animate with matplotlib... (dependencies dateutil, six)
import heapq
from math import pow, sqrt, log
from PIL import Image
tolerance = 0.001
imageList = [ "lena.png", "MonaLisa.png", "Mandrill.png", "smallGreatWave.png", "largeGreatWave.png", "random.png"]
# A useful container to sort objects associated with a floating point value
class SortContainer:
def __init__(self, value, obj):
self.fvalue = float(value)
self.obj = obj
def __float__(self):
return float(self.fvalue)
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.fvalue < float(other)
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.fvalue == float(other)
def __gt__(self, other):
return self.fvalue > float(other)
# Directional constants and rotation functions
offsets = [ (1,0), (0,1), (-1,0), (0,-1) ] # RULD, in CCW order
R, U, L, D = 0, 1, 2, 3
def d90ccw(i):
return (i+1) % 4
def d180(i):
return (i+2) % 4
def d90cw(i):
return (i+3) % 4
def direction(dx, dy):
return offsets.index((dx,dy))
# Standard color metric: Euclidean distance in the RGB cube. Distance between opposite corners normalized to 1.
pixelMax = 255
cChannels = 3
def colorMetric(p):
return sqrt(sum([ pow(p[i],2) for i in range(cChannels)])/cChannels)/pixelMax
def colorDistance(p1,p2):
return colorMetric( [ p1[i]-p2[i] for i in range(cChannels) ] )
# Contains the structure of the path
class DetourBlock:
def __init__(self, parent, x, y):
assert(x%2==0 and y%2==0)
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.parent = None
self.neighbors = [None, None, None, None]
def getdir(A, B):
dx = (B.x - A.x)//2
dy = (B.y - A.y)//2
return direction(dx, dy)
class ImageTracer:
def __init__(self, imgName):
self.imgName = imgName
img =
img = img.convert(mode="RGB") # needed for BW images
self.srcImg = [ [ [ float(c) for c in img.getpixel( (x,y) ) ] for y in range(img.size[1]) ] for x in range(img.size[0])]
self.srcX = img.size[0]
self.srcY = img.size[1]
# Set up infrastructure
self.DetourGrid = [ [ DetourBlock(None, 2*x, 2*y) \
for y in range((self.srcY+1)//2)] \
for x in range((self.srcX+1)//2)]
self.dgX = len(self.DetourGrid)
self.dgY = len(self.DetourGrid[0])
self.DetourOptions = list() # heap!
self.DetourStart = None
def initPath(self):
if not self.srcX%2 and not self.srcY%2:
self.AssignToPath(None, self.DetourGrid[0][0])
self.DetourStart = self.DetourGrid[0][0]
lastDB = None
if self.srcX%2: # right edge initial path
self.DetourStart = self.DetourGrid[-1][0]
for i in range(self.dgY):
nextDB = self.DetourGrid[-1][i]
self.AssignToPath(lastDB, nextDB)
lastDB = nextDB
if self.srcY%2: # bottom edge initial path
if not self.srcX%2:
self.DetourStart = self.DetourGrid[-1][-1]
for i in reversed(range(self.dgX-(self.srcX%2))): # loop condition keeps the path contiguous and won't add corner again
nextDB = self.DetourGrid[i][-1]
self.AssignToPath(lastDB, nextDB)
lastDB = nextDB
# When DetourBlock A has an exposed side that can potentially detour into DetourBlock B,
# this is used to calculate a heuristic weight. Lower weights are better, they minimize the color distance
# between pixels connected by the snake path
def CostBlock(self, A, B):
# Weight the block detour based on [connections made - connections broken]
dx = (B.x - A.x)//2
dy = (B.y - A.y)//2
assert(dy==1 or dy==-1 or dx==1 or dx==-1)
assert(dy==0 or dx==0)
if dx == 0:
xx, yy = 1, 0 # if the blocks are above/below, then there is a horizontal border
xx, yy = 0, 1 # if the blocks are left/right, then there is a vertical border
ax = A.x + (dx+1)//2
ay = A.y + (dy+1)//2
bx = B.x + (1-dx)//2
by = B.y + (1-dy)//2
fmtImg = self.srcImg
''' Does not work well compared to the method below
return ( colorDistance(fmtImg[ax][ay], fmtImg[bx][by]) + # Path connects A and B pixels
colorDistance(fmtImg[ax+xx][ay+yy], fmtImg[bx+xx][by+yy]) # Path loops back from B to A eventually through another pixel
- colorDistance(fmtImg[ax][ay], fmtImg[ax+xx][ay+yy]) # Two pixels of A are no longer connected if we detour
- colorDistance(fmtImg[bx][by], fmtImg[bx+xx][by+yy]) ) # Two pixels of B can't be connected if we make this detour
return ( colorDistance(fmtImg[ax][ay], fmtImg[bx][by]) + # Path connects A and B pixels
colorDistance(fmtImg[ax+xx][ay+yy], fmtImg[bx+xx][by+yy])) # Path loops back from B to A eventually through another pixel
# Adds a detour to the path (really via child link), and adds the newly adjacent blocks to the potential detour list
def AssignToPath(self, parent, child):
child.parent = parent
if parent is not None:
d = parent.getdir(child)
parent.neighbors[d] = child
child.neighbors[d180(d)] = parent
for (i,j) in offsets:
x = int(child.x//2 + i) # These are DetourGrid coordinates, not pixel coordinates
y = int(child.y//2 + j)
if x < 0 or x >= self.dgX-(self.srcX%2): # In odd width images, the border DetourBlocks aren't valid detours (they're initialized on path)
if y < 0 or y >= self.dgY-(self.srcY%2):
neighbor = self.DetourGrid[x][y]
if neighbor.parent is None:
heapq.heappush(self.DetourOptions, SortContainer(self.CostBlock(child, neighbor), (child, neighbor)) )
def BuildDetours(self):
# Create the initial path - depends on odd/even dimensions
print("Building detours")
dbImage ="RGB", (self.dgX, self.dgY), 0)
# We already have our initial queue of detour choices. Make the best choice and repeat until the whole path is built.
while len(self.DetourOptions) > 0:
sc = heapq.heappop(self.DetourOptions) # Pop the path choice with lowest cost
parent, child = sc.obj
if child.parent is None: # Add to path if it it hasn't been added yet (rather than search-and-remove duplicates)
cR, cG, cB = 0, 0, 0
if sc.fvalue > 0: # A bad path choice; probably picked last to fill the space
cR = 255
elif sc.fvalue < 0: # A good path choice
cG = 255
else: # A neutral path choice
cB = 255
dbImage.putpixel( (child.x//2,child.y//2), (cR, cG, cB) )
self.AssignToPath(parent, child)"choices_" + self.imgName)
# Reconstructing the path was a bad idea. Countless hard-to-find bugs!
def ReconstructSnake(self):
# Build snake from the DetourBlocks.
print("Reconstructing path")
self.path = []
xi,yi,d = self.DetourStart.x, self.DetourStart.y, U # good start? Okay as long as CCW
x,y = xi,yi
while True:
db = self.DetourGrid[x//2][y//2] # What block do we occupy?
if db.neighbors[d90ccw(d)] is None: # Is there a detour on my right? (clockwise)
x,y = x+offsets[d][0], y+offsets[d][6] # Nope, keep going in this loop (won't cross a block boundary)
d = d90cw(d) # For "simplicity", going straight is really turning left then noticing a detour on the right
d = d90ccw(d) # There IS a detour! Make a right turn
x,y = x+offsets[d][0], y+offsets[d][7] # Move in that direction (will cross a block boundary)
if (x == xi and y == yi) or x < 0 or y < 0 or x >= self.srcX or y >= self.srcY: # Back to the starting point! We're done!
print("Retracing path length =", len(self.path)) # should = Width * Height
# Trace the actual snake path
pathImage ="RGB", (self.srcX, self.srcY), 0)
cR, cG, cB = 0,0,128
for (x,y) in self.path:
if x >= self.srcX or y >= self.srcY:
if pathImage.getpixel((x,y)) != (0,0,0):
print("LOOPBACK!", x, y)
pathImage.putpixel( (x,y), (cR, cG, cB) )
cR = (cR + 2) % pixelMax
if cR == 0:
cG = (cG + 4) % pixelMax"path_" + self.imgName)
def ColorizeSnake(self):
#Simple colorization of path
traceImage ="RGB", (self.srcX, self.srcY), 0)
print("Colorizing path")
color = ()
lastcolor = self.srcImg[self.path[0][0]][self.path[0][8]]
for i in range(len(self.path)):
v = [ self.srcImg[self.path[i][0]][self.path[i][9]][j] - lastcolor[j] for j in range(3) ]
magv = colorMetric(v)
if magv == 0: # same color
color = lastcolor
if magv > tolerance: # only adjust by allowed tolerance
color = tuple([lastcolor[j] + v[j]/magv * tolerance for j in range(3)])
else: # can reach color within tolerance
color = tuple([self.srcImg[self.path[i][0]][self.path[i][10]][j] for j in range(3)])
lastcolor = color
traceImage.putpixel( (self.path[i][0], self.path[i][11]), tuple([int(color[j]) for j in range(3)]) )"snaked_" + self.imgName)
for imgName in imageList:
it = ImageTracer(imgName)
Et quelques images supplémentaires avec une très faible tolérance de 0,001 :
Et aussi le grand chemin des vagues car il est soigné:

La génération de chemin semble meilleure lorsque l'on minimise la distance de couleur entre les couleurs moyennes des blocs adjacents, plutôt que de minimiser la somme des distances de couleur entre leurs pixels adjacents. En outre, il s'avère que vous pouvez faire la moyenne des couleurs de deux chemins de serpent conformes à la tolérance et vous retrouver avec un autre chemin de serpent conforme à la tolérance. Je traverse donc le chemin dans les deux sens et les moyenne, ce qui aplanit beaucoup d'artefacts. Zombie Lena et Scary Hands Mona sont beaucoup mieux. Versions finales:
Tolérance 0,01 :
Tolérance 0,001 :