Acronyme de la phrase



Créez un programme qui prendra un acronyme en entrée, par exemple dftba, et générera des phrases possibles que l'acronyme pourrait représenter. Vous pouvez utiliser la liste de mots comme entrée de mot. Inspiré par


input: dftba
output: don't forget to be awesome


  • Votre programme ne peut pas générer la même phrase à chaque fois pour le même acronyme, il doit y avoir une randomisation
  • L'entrée sera entièrement en minuscules
  • Publier quelques exemples (entrée et sortie)
  • N'importe quelle langue est acceptée
  • C'est un , alors la plupart des votes positifs gagnent!

Veuillez montrer un exemple de sortie.
Mukul Kumar

@MukulKumar l'a ajouté

Cela doit être significatif? ou toute combinaison?
Mukul Kumar

Cela n'a pas besoin d'être significatif

Combien de fois l'utilisateur est-il autorisé à exécuter le programme? À un moment donné, le programme ne peut que violer la règle # 1.
M. Lister



HTML, CSS et JavaScript


<div id='word-shower'></div>
<div id='letter-container'></div>


.letter {
    border: 1px solid black;
    padding: 5px;

#word-shower {
    border-bottom: 3px solid blue;
    padding-bottom: 5px;


var acronym = 'dftba', $letters = $('#letter-container')
for (var i = 0; i < acronym.length; i++) {
    $letters.append($('<div>').text(acronym[i]).attr('class', 'letter'))

var $word = $('#word-shower')
setInterval(function() {
    $.getJSON('' + encodeURIComponent('') + '&callback=?', function(word) {
        word = word.contents.toLowerCase()
        $letters.children().each(function() {
            if (word[0] == this.innerText) {
                this.innerText = word
}, 1000)

Utilise un générateur de mots aléatoires et affiche les résultats en direct lors de la recherche de mots.

Voici un violon si vous voulez l'exécuter vous-même.

Voici un GIF de la sortie:

sortie animée



Récupère une liste de mots de wiktionary. Choisit un mot au hasard dans cette liste qui commence par la bonne lettre. Utilise ensuite Google suggérer récursivement pour rechercher les prochains mots possibles. Affiche une liste de possibilités. Si vous le réexécutez avec le même acronyme, vous obtiendrez des résultats différents.

import java.util.*;

public class Acronym {

    static List<List<String>> wordLists = new ArrayList<List<String>>();
    static {for(int i=0; i<26; i++) wordLists.add(new ArrayList<String>());}
    static String acro;

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        acro = args[0].toLowerCase();

        //get a wordlist and put words into wordLists by first letter
        String s = "";
        URL url = new URL(s);
        BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(url.openStream()));

        String inputLine;
        while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) {
            if(inputLine.contains("title")) {
                int start = inputLine.indexOf("title=\"");
                int end = inputLine.lastIndexOf("\">");
                if(start>=0 && end > start) { 
                    String word = inputLine.substring(start+7,end).toLowerCase();
                    if(!word.contains("'") && !word.contains(" ")) {
                        char firstChar = word.charAt(0);
                        if(firstChar >= 'a' && firstChar <='z') {

        //choose random word from wordlist starting with first letter of acronym
        Random rand = new Random();
        char firstChar = acro.charAt(0);
        List<String> firstList = wordLists.get(firstChar-'a');
        String firstWord = firstList.get(rand.nextInt(firstList.size()));



    static void getSuggestions(String input,int index) throws Exception {
        //ask googleSuggest for suggestions that start with search plus the next letter as marked by index
        String googleSuggest = "";
        String search = input + " " + acro.charAt(index);
        String searchSub = search.replaceAll(" ","%20");

        URL url = new URL(googleSuggest + searchSub);
        BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(url.openStream()));

        String inputLine;
        while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) {
            String[] parts = inputLine.split("\"");
            for(String part : parts) {
                if(part.startsWith(search)) {
                    //now get suggestions for this part plus next letter in acro
                    if(index+1<acro.length()) {
                        String[] moreParts = part.split(" ");
                        getSuggestions(input + " " + moreParts[index],index+1);
                    else {
                        String[] moreParts = part.split(" ");
                        System.out.println(input + " " + moreParts[index]);

Exemple de sortie:

$ java -jar Acronym.jar ght
great harvest trek
great harvest tulsa
great harvest taylorsville
great harvest temecula
great harvest trek
great harvest twin
great harvest tempe
great harvest twin
great harvest turners
great harvest twitter
great horned toad
great horned toads
great horned tomato
great horned tomato
great horned turtle
great harvest trek
great harvest tulsa
great harvest taylorsville
great harvest temecula
great harvest trek
great harvest twin
great harvest tempe
great harvest twin
great harvest turners
great harvest twitter
great horned toad
great horned toads
great horned tomato
great horned tomato
great horned turtle
great harvest trek
great harvest tulsa
great harvest taylorsville
great harvest temecula
great harvest trek
great harvest twin
great harvest tempe
great harvest twin
great harvest turners
great harvest twitter
great horror thriller
great horror tv
great horror thriller
great horror titles
great horror tv
great holiday traditions
great holiday treats
great holiday toasts
great holiday tech
great holiday travel
great holiday treat
great holiday tips
great holiday treat
great holiday toys
great holiday tour
great harvest trek
great harvest tulsa
great harvest taylorsville
great harvest temecula
great harvest trek
great harvest twin
great harvest tempe
great harvest twin
great harvest turners
great harvest twitter
great horned toad
great horned toads
great horned tomato
great horned tomato
great horned turtle

Malheureusement, l'URL de Google suggère de ne plus fonctionner après un certain temps - peut-être que mon IP a été mise sur liste noire par Google pour une mauvaise utilisation?!



tellement rubis. beaucoup de doge. sensationnel.

Version en ligne

@prefix = %w[all amazingly best certainly crazily deadly extra ever few great highly incredibly jolly known loftily much many never no like only pretty quirkily really rich sweet such so total terribly utterly very whole xtreme yielding zippily]
@adjective = %w[appealing app apl attractive brave bold better basic common challenge c++ creative credit doge durable dare enticing entertain extreme fail fabulous few favourite giant gigantic google hello happy handy interesting in improve insane jazz joy j java known kind kiwi light laugh love lucky low more mesmerise majestic open overflow opinion opera python power point popular php practice quirk quit ruby read ready stunning stack scala task teaching talking tiny technology unexpected usual useful urban voice vibrant value word water wow where xi xanthic xylophone young yummy zebra zonk zen zoo]

def doge(input)
  wow = ""
  input.chars.each_slice(2) do |char1, char2|
    if char2 == nil
      wow << (@prefix + @adjective).sample(1)[0] + "."
    wow <<{|e| e[0] == char1}.sample(1)[0]
    wow << " "
    wow <<{|e| e[0] == char2}.sample(1)[0]
    wow << ". "

puts doge("dftba")
puts doge("asofiejgie")
puts doge("iglpquvi")


deadly favourite. terribly better. challenge.
all scala. only favourite. incredibly enticing. jolly giant. incredibly extreme. 
incredibly gigantic. loftily popular. quirkily usual. very interesting.

certainement léger. jamais voix. extra prêt. pile supplémentaire. terriblement attrayant. jamais magnifique. divertir. riche superbe. seul favori. incroyablement rubis.

échec mortel. terriblement courageux. chanceux. tout scala. seulement peu. incroyablement divertir. Google joyeux. incroyablement divertir. incroyablement google. hautement en python. bizarrement inattendu. très améliorer.



Certains termes qui apparaissent couramment dans les acronymes.

terms = {"Abbreviated", "Accounting", "Acquisition", "Act", "Action", "Actions", "Activities", "Administrative", "Advisory", "Afloat", "Agency", "Agreement", "Air", "Aircraft", "Aligned", "Alternatives", "Analysis", "Anti-Surveillance", "Appropriation", "Approval", "Architecture", "Assessment", "Assistance", "Assistant", "Assurance", "Atlantic", "Authority", "Aviation", "Base", "Based", "Battlespace", "Board", "Breakdown", "Budget", "Budgeting", "Business", "Capabilities", "Capability", "Capital", "Capstone", "Category", "Center", "Centric", "Chairman", "Change", "Changes", "Chief", "Chief,", "Chiefs", "Closure", "College", "Combat", "Command", "Commandant", "Commander","Commander,", "Commanders", "Commerce", "Common", "Communications", "Communities", "Competency", "Competition", "Component", "Comptroller", "Computer", "Computers,", "Concept", "Conference", "Configuration", "Consolidated", "Consulting", "Contract", "Contracting", "Contracts", "Contractual", "Control", "Cooperative", "Corps", "Cost", "Council", "Counterintelligence", "Course", "Daily", "Data", "Date", "Decision", "Defense", "Deficiency", "Demonstration", "Department", "Depleting", "Deployment", "Depot", "Deputy", "Description", "Deskbook", "Determination", "Development", "Direct", "Directed", "Directive", "Directives", "Director", "Distributed", "Document", "Earned", "Electromagnetic", "Element", "Engagement", "Engineer", "Engineering", "Enterprise", "Environment", "Environmental", "Equipment", "Estimate", "Evaluation", "Evaluation)", "Exchange", "Execution", "Executive", "Expense", "Expert", "Exploration", "Externally", "Federal", "Final", "Financial", "Findings", "Fixed","Fleet", "Fleet;", "Flight", "Flying", "Followup", "Force", "Forces,", "Foreign", "Form", "Framework", "Full", "Function", "Functionality", "Fund", "Funding", "Furnished", "Future", "Government", "Ground", "Group", "Guidance", "Guide", "Handbook", "Handling,", "Hazardous", "Headquarters", "Health", "Human", "Identification", "Improvement", "Incentive", "Incentives", "Independent", "Individual", "Industrial", "Information", "Initial", "Initiation", "Initiative", "Institute", "Instruction", "Integrated", "Integration", "Intelligence", "Intensive", "Interdepartmental", "Interface", "Interference", "Internet", "Interoperability", "Interservice", "Inventory", "Investment", "Joint", "Justification", "Key", "Knowledge", "Lead", "Leader", "Leadership", "Line", "List", "Logistics", "Maintainability", "Maintenance", "Management", "Manager", "Manual", "Manufacturing", "Marine", "Master", "Material", "Materials", "Maturity", "Measurement", "Meeting", "Memorandum", "Milestone", "Milestones", "Military", "Minor", "Mission", "Model", "Modeling", "Modernization", "National", "Naval", "Navy", "Needs", "Network", "Networks", "Number", "Objectives", "Obligation", "Observation", "Occupational", "Offer", "Office", "Officer", "Operating", "Operational", "Operations", "Order", "Ordering", "Organization", "Oversight", "Ozone", "Pacific", "Package", "Packaging,", "Parameters", "Participating", "Parts", "Performance", "Personal", "Personnel", "Planning", "Planning,", "Plans", "Plant", "Point", "Policy", "Pollution", "Practice", "Preferred", "Prevention", "Price", "Primary", "Procedure", "Procedures", "Process", "Procurement", "Product", "Production", "Professional", "Program", "Programmatic", "Programming", "Project", "Proposal", "Protection", "Protocol", "Purchase", "Quadrennial", "Qualified", "Quality", "Rapid", "Rate", "Readiness", "Reconnaissance", "Regulation", "Regulations", "Reliability", "Relocation", "Repair", "Repairables", "Report", "Reporting", "Representative", "Request", "Requirement", "Requirements", "Requiring", "Requisition", "Requisitioning", "Research", "Research,", "Reserve", "Resources", "Responsibility", "Review", "Reviews", "Safety", "Sales", "Scale", "Secretary", "Secure", "Security", "Selection", "Senior", "Service", "Services", "Sharing", "Simulation", "Single", "Small", "Software", "Source", "Staff", "Standard", "Standardization", "Statement", "Status", "Storage,", "Strategy", "Streamlining", "Structure", "Submission", "Substance", "Summary", "Supplement", "Support", "Supportability", "Surveillance", "Survey", "System", "Systems", "Subsystem", "Tactical", "Target", "Targets", "Team", "Teams", "Technical", "Technology", "Test", "Tool", "Total", "Training", "Transportation", "Trouble", "Type", "Union", "Value", "Variable", "Warfare", "Weapon", "Work", "Working", "X-Ray", "Xenon", "Year", "Yesterday", "Zenith", "Zoology"};




Dix candidats générés au hasard pour l'acronyme ABC .

Table[Row[g["ABC"], "  "], {10}] // TableForm

Répartition des actions
Comptabilité du budget Commerce Commerce
Contrôle de la budgétisation aérienne
Répartition des acquisitions Calcul des
coûts de l'action des ordinateurs Répartition des coûts
alignée commune
Cours de
alignée commune Capacité de budgétisation consultative Espace de combat aligné
Contrôleur de l'espace de combat anti-surveillance commun


Table[Row[g["FMP"], "  "], {10}] // TableForm

Findings Manager Protocol
Final Manual Purchase
Flying Measurement Personnel
Full Manufacturing Plans
Form Measurement Programming Form
Financial Model Programmatic
Future Modernization Proposition Form
Financial Measurement Package
Form, Maintenance Planning
Full Modeling Programmatic


Table[Row[g["STM"], "  "], {10}] // TableForm

Standardisation Total Modernization
Service Tactical Milestone
Surveillance Transportation Management
Subsystem Trouble Materials
Structure Test Military
Scale Test Materials
Strategy Tool Modernization
Small Technology Minor
Supportability Minor Transportation Manufacturing Status Tool Management


Table[Row[g["CRPB"], "  "], {10}] // TableForm

Protection des réglementations coopératives
Commandant d' entreprise Demande de politique
Modifications de la base de programmation Programmation de la réparation,
examens de fermeture d' entreprise Budget du projet
Règlements commerciaux Paramètres
Contrats de base Base de prix rapide
Pratique de relocalisation des collèges Budgétisation du
cours Rapports du personnel Espace
de combat Procédures des exigences du cours Budget


Table[Row[g["SARDE"], "  "], {10}] // TableForm

Actions supplémentaires nécessitant des directives Estimation de l'
échelle Alignement des exigences Quotidien
Secrétaire des estimations Atlantic Requisitioning Director Expense
Software Action Review Direct Exploration
Support Act Readiness Defense Electromagnetic
Software Abrégé Exigence Decision Exchange
Submission Assessment Demandes Description Description Executive
Streamlining Accounting Rate Depot Evaluation
Surveillance Assistant Assistant Requisitioning Depot Engagement
Survey Resources


Cela produit surtout un non-sens, mais occasionnellement, cela produira quelque chose de sensible, ou quelque chose de si stupide qu'il sera humoristique.

Les mots sont extraits de ce fichier JSON (~ 2,2 Mo).

Le programme prend l'acronyme du premier argument de ligne de commande et prend en charge un deuxième argument facultatif qui indique au programme le nombre de phrases à générer.

import std.file : readText;
import std.conv : to;
import std.json, std.random, std.string, std.stdio, std.algorithm, std.array, std.range;

void main( string[] args )
    if( args.length < 2 )

        ushort count = 1;

        if( args.length == 3 )
            count = args[2].to!ushort();

        auto phrases = args[1].toUpper().getPhrases( count );

        foreach( phrase; phrases )
    catch( Throwable th )

string[] getPhrases( string acronym, ushort count = 1 )
    assert( count > 0 );
    auto words = getWords();
    string[] phrases;

    foreach( _; 0 .. count )
        string[] phrase;

        foreach( chr; acronym )
            auto matchingWords = words.filter!( x => x[0] == chr ).array();
            auto word = matchingWords[uniform( 0, matchingWords.length )];
            phrase ~= word;

        phrases ~= phrase.join( " " );

    return phrases;

string[] getWords()
    auto text = "words.json".readText();
    auto json = text.parseJSON();
    string[] words;

    if( json.type != JSON_TYPE.ARRAY )
        throw new Exception( "Not an array." );

    foreach( item; json.array )
        if( item.type != JSON_TYPE.STRING )
            throw new Exception( "Not a string." );

        words ~= item.str.ucfirst();

    return words;

auto ucfirst( inout( char )[] str )
    if( str.length == 1 )
        return str.toUpper();

    auto first = [ str[0] ];
    auto tail  = str[1 .. $];

    return first.toUpper() ~ tail.toLower();

Exemples :

D:\Code\D\Acronym>dmd acronym.d

D:\Code\D\Acronym>acronym utf 5
Unchallenged Ticklebrush Frication
Unparalysed's Toilsomeness Fructose's
Umpiring Tableland Flimsily
Unctuousness Theseus Flawless
Umbrella's Tarts Formulated



for char in $(sed -E s/'(.)'/'\1 '/g <<<"$1");
    words=$(grep "^$char" /usr/share/dict/words)
    echo -ne "$word " 
echo -ne "\n"

Donc: a $ bash dftbaentraîné

deodorization fishgig telolecithal bashlyk anapsid
demicivilized foretell tonogram besmouch anthropoteleological
doer fightingly tubulostriato bruang amortize 

Et: a $ bash diyentraîné

decanically inarguable youthen
delomorphous isatin yen
distilling inhumorously yungan

Finalement: $ bash rsvp

retzian sensitizer vestiarium pathognomonical
reaccustom schreiner vincibility poetizer
refractorily subspherical villagey planetule


Ma première réaction? fireless transportel fireling



Donc, cela ne gagnera probablement pas de concours de popularité, mais je pensais que Python avait besoin d'une représentation. Cela fonctionne dans Python 3.3+. J'ai emprunté le fichier json de mots de tony-h ( trouvez-le ici ). Fondamentalement, ce code prend simplement la liste json et organise tous les mots dans un dictionnaire indexé sur les lettres de l'alphabet. Ensuite, quel que soit l'acronyme transmis à l'application python, il est utilisé comme index dans le dictionnaire. Pour chaque lettre de l'acronyme, un mot aléatoire est sélectionné parmi tous les mots indexés sous cette lettre. Vous pouvez également fournir un certain nombre de sorties souhaitées, ou si rien n'est spécifié, 2 options seront générées.

Le code (je l'ai enregistré en tant que

import argparse
import json
import string
from random import randrange

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Turn an acronym into a random phrase')
parser.add_argument('acronym', nargs=1)
args = parser.parse_args()

print('input: ' + acronym)


wordlist={c:[] for c in string.ascii_lowercase}
for word in allwords:

for i in range(0,args.iters):
    print('output:', end=" ")
    for char in acronym:
        print(wordlist[char.lower()][randrange(0,len(wordlist[char.lower()]))], end=" ")

Quelques exemples de sorties:

$ python abc
input: abc
output: athabaska bookish contraster
output: alcoholism bayonet's caparison

Un autre:

$ python gosplet 5
input: gosplet
output: greenware overemphasiser seasons potential leprosy escape tularaemia
output: generatrix objectless scaloppine postulant linearisations enforcedly textbook's
output: gutturalism oleg superstruct precedential lunation exclusion toxicologist
output: guppies overseen substances perennialises lungfish excisable tweed
output: grievously outage Sherman pythoness liveable epitaphise tremulant


$ python nsa 3
input: nsa
output: newsagent spookiness aperiodically
output: notecase shotbush apterygial
output: nonobjectivity sounded aligns
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