Quel langage de programmation souhaitez-vous utiliser?
Pour implémenter un bitboard en C #, utilisez System.UInt64 . Cela peut contenir 64 bits, 1 pour chaque carré de l'échiquier. Ce type de valeur se prête à de nombreuses opérations rapides au niveau du bit.
Ceci est un bon tutoriel bitboard .
Voici quelques exemples de mon propre moteur d'échecs C #. Comme vous pouvez le voir dans le code, cela peut prendre un certain temps pour vous envelopper avec des bitboards, mais ils sont généralement très rapides, en particulier pour l'évaluation de la position.
Exemple 1 - Définition du Bitboard:
internal UInt64 WhiteKing;
internal UInt64 WhiteQueens;
internal UInt64 WhiteRooks;
internal UInt64 WhiteBishops;
internal UInt64 WhiteKnights;
internal UInt64 WhitePawns;
internal UInt64 WhitePieces;
Exemple 2 - Initialisation de Bitboard:
// Initialise piece bitboards using square contents.
private void InitPieceBitboards()
this.WhiteKing = 0;
this.WhiteQueens = 0;
this.WhiteRooks = 0;
this.WhiteBishops = 0;
this.WhiteKnights = 0;
this.WhitePawns = 0;
for (Int16 i = 0; i < 64; i++)
if (this.Squares[i] == Constants.WHITE_KING)
this.WhiteKing = this.WhiteKing | Constants.BITSET[i];
if (this.Squares[i] == Constants.WHITE_QUEEN)
this.WhiteQueens = this.WhiteQueens | Constants.BITSET[i];
if (this.Squares[i] == Constants.WHITE_ROOK)
this.WhiteRooks = this.WhiteRooks | Constants.BITSET[i];
if (this.Squares[i] == Constants.WHITE_BISHOP)
this.WhiteBishops = this.WhiteBishops | Constants.BITSET[i];
if (this.Squares[i] == Constants.WHITE_KNIGHT)
this.WhiteKnights = this.WhiteKnights | Constants.BITSET[i];
if (this.Squares[i] == Constants.WHITE_PAWN)
this.WhitePawns = this.WhitePawns | Constants.BITSET[i];
this.WhitePieces = this.WhiteKing | this.WhiteQueens |
this.WhiteRooks | this.WhiteBishops |
this.WhiteKnights | this.WhitePawns;
this.BlackPieces = this.BlackKing | this.BlackQueens |
this.BlackRooks | this.BlackBishops |
this.BlackKnights | this.BlackPawns;
this.SquaresOccupied = this.WhitePieces | this.BlackPieces;
Exemple 3 - Génération de mouvement:
// We can't capture one of our own pieces.
eligibleSquares = ~this.WhitePieces;
// Generate moves for white knights.
remainingKnights = this.WhiteKnights;
// Generate the moves for each knight...
while (remainingKnights != 0)
squareFrom = BitOps.BitScanForward(remainingKnights);
generatedMoves = Constants.ATTACKS_KNIGHT[squareFrom] & eligibleSquares;
while (generatedMoves != 0)
squareTo = BitOps.BitScanForward(generatedMoves);
moveList.Add(new Move(squareFrom, squareTo, Constants.WHITE_KNIGHT,
this.Squares[squareTo], Constants.EMPTY));
generatedMoves ^= Constants.BITSET[squareTo];
// Finished with this knight - move on to the next one.
remainingKnights ^= Constants.BITSET[squareFrom];
Exemple 4 - Calculer le score matériel:
// Material score from scratch, in centipawns from White's perspective.
internal static Int32 ScoreMaterial(Board position)
return BitOps.BitCountWegner(position.WhitePawns) * Constants.VALUE_PAWN +
BitOps.BitCountWegner(position.WhiteKnights) * Constants.VALUE_KNIGHT +
BitOps.BitCountWegner(position.WhiteBishops) * Constants.VALUE_BISHOP +
BitOps.BitCountWegner(position.WhiteRooks) * Constants.VALUE_ROOK +
BitOps.BitCountWegner(position.WhiteQueens) * Constants.VALUE_QUEEN -
BitOps.BitCountWegner(position.BlackPawns) * Constants.VALUE_PAWN -
BitOps.BitCountWegner(position.BlackKnights) * Constants.VALUE_KNIGHT -
BitOps.BitCountWegner(position.BlackBishops) * Constants.VALUE_BISHOP -
BitOps.BitCountWegner(position.BlackRooks) * Constants.VALUE_ROOK -
BitOps.BitCountWegner(position.BlackQueens) * Constants.VALUE_QUEEN;
Exemple 5 - Calcul de la mobilité des pièces:
// Calculate mobility score for white knights.
remainingPieces = position.WhiteKnights;
while (remainingPieces != 0)
squareFrom = BitOps.BitScanForward(remainingPieces);
mobilityKnight += BitOps.BitCountWegner(Constants.ATTACKS_KNIGHT[squareFrom]
& unoccupiedSquares);
remainingPieces ^= Constants.BITSET[squareFrom];